Page 30 of His Queen

"Please don't do this," I gasp

"Shhh, it will only hurt for a second, Rose. Then I will make you feel things you never knew existed."

"No, please no," I beg, as I try to fight him.

He presses his lips against mine and shoves his tongue into my mouth. His teeth drag across my lips as he kisses me. He is biting my lips and neck as he rubs against me. I can feel myself getting wet and it makes me sick. I hate that my body is betraying me like this. From one monster to another. I lay there and wait for an opening. He hasn't pushed into me yet. I just have to figure out how to get him off of me. I take a deep breath and try to calm down. His weight isn’t on me. I have some room to move. I look down and I see his hard cock in between my legs. If I am going to fight, it's right now.

"Leo stop!" I scream as I buck my hips up, trying to knock him off balance.

He grabs me by the throat and squeezes. I can feel myself choking. I kick at him, trying to get him off of me. He growls and lets go of my neck. He pulls back and grabs my face with his hand. I pull my knees up toward my chest and send one foot straight down into his hard cock.

He groans and lets go of my face. I swing my fist and punch him in the jaw. I jump off the bed and grab my clothes. He reaches out and grabs my leg. I fall to the floor and scream as he drags me towards the bed.

"Bitch!" He growls. "Let me love you, Rose."

I kick at him as he drags me across the floor. I get a good kick in his face and he falls back, unmoving. I scramble to my feet and run to the bathroom. I lock the door and lean against it.

"Open this door, Rose." He yells as he starts banging on the door.

I can hear him panting and groaning.

"I hope that fucking hurt! What the fuck is wrong with you?! I don't belong to either of you!" I scream, having a total meltdown as I wrap my shredded shirt around myself the best I can after sliding my pants back on.

He continues to pound on the door. I just stare at it, praying he won't be able to break it down. I can hear him talking through the door, but I'm not listening. My mind is in a blind panic as I search for a way out.

I feel like a piece of meat being traded from one man to another. How could Leo do this? Why would he do this? I am a human being, not a possession. How could he treat me this way? I look around the bathroom. We are thankfully on the first floor. I spot a window. It's small, but I might fit. I have to try.

I run over and try to open it, but it seems stuck. I start hitting it with my fists.

“Oh god open, please open,” I mumble as I look for something, anything I can use to pry it open.

"Rose, please just listen to me. Let me in and I will explain. I love you."

"Go to hell, Leo. No explanation will ever make me trust you again. I thought you were trying to help me. That you were my friend. But you are just like them. You want me to belong to you. I don't belong to anyone. I will never marry you or him. I am not a fucking piece of meat for either of you to trade away. I am a human being. I have feelings, a heart, and a soul."

"You don't have a soul. You are a whore. I don't know why you think that you are so special. But you aren't. I am going to fuck you until you bleed, and then I am going to keep you safe. You are a whore. But you are my whore. Just a stupid fucking slut. You deserve everything you get."

I spot the lock for the window and stand up on the side of the tub to reach it. Of course, it was just locked. Snap out of it, Rose. I can hear him breathing through the door. I just need to get out of here. I have no clue where I will run to. I have no phone, no money, and the fucking mafia is after me. FUCK.

"Fuck you, Leo. I hope you burn in hell. You are a monster. I don't understand how you could do this to me. I thought we were friends. I thought you were the only family I had left, but you are no better than the rest of them."

The pounding on the door gets harder and it shutters. I flip the lock on the window and push it open. I look down. It's a little of a drop, but it won't hurt as bad as it will if he gets his hands on me. I have no choice. I have to go for it.

I pull myself up and start trying to wiggle out the window. Head first is going to suck, but I can hear the door as it starts to give behind me. I am almost through the window when I hear the door finally give. I wiggle my hips and push against the wall with all of my strength. His hand grabs my ankle and I let out a scream.

"You stupid fucking whore. Get back in here. I'm going to fucking punish you for this. You are mine. I will fucking break you. I will make you beg for my cock." He yells as he starts to yank me back through the window.

"No! Let me go!"

I kick my feet, still fighting to get out the window. I angle my body so I can see his face and kick my foot straight into his nose. When he doesn't let go, I keep kicking him in the face until he finally lets go. I fall to the ground, rolling onto my side. I look up at the window.

Chapter 20


I don't waste any time. I jump to my feet and run as fast as I can. I hear him scream my name as I race across the parking lot away from him. He is too big to fit through the window and will have to run out the front of the hotel. I run as hard as I can with no shoes on and my clothes in disarray. I have to get away.

I run so hard my legs are burning, and I can hardly breathe. I hear him running after me and I pick up speed. I don't want to look back. I don't want to know how close he is.