Page 31 of His Queen

I turn down a small road and then another. I run through alleyways and stores. I run until I can't run anymore. It takes my frantic mind a little to realize I managed to lose him somewhere along the way. But I still don't stop running. I run until I can't possibly run anymore. I don’t know where I am or where I am going. But I keep moving. I keep walking even after that. I can't get the image of Leo out of my head. Why did he do that? What made him change? What happened to him? He has been my protector since we were kids. Why would he do this?

It's late at night, and I am starving. I have no money for anything and I can't risk him finding me. I don't know what to do. I walk into a store and grab some a shirt that I slip on as I walk through it. I go to the shoe section and put on a pair of those as well. I've never stolen anything in my life, but I have no choice right now. Food will have to wait. For the moment, I just need to get out of this store and figure out where I am. I walk out the front and start looking at the street signs.

I'm not even in the city anymore. I'm not even sure which direction I need to go. I stand there for a few minutes trying to decide what to do. I don't have a phone. I don't have anything. I have no money. No food. Nowhere to stay and I am basically on the run from not only the mob but Leo too. Only Leo knows where the fuck we are. I walk down the street to a vendor on the side of the road and ask him where I am.

He tells me that I'm about three hours from the city. I don't know what to do. I can't go back to the city. I can't go to Vlad's, mostly because I have no idea where that is. I wish I had his number. I know he would come and get me. If Sal knows I am gone. Which I am sure that by now they do. That means they will be looking as well. Which would be worse? If I could get ahold of my father, I could blame it on Leo because right now I don't give two fucks if they kill him after what he did. But if I do that, I will be right back in the same situation that I was in.

I decided that it didn't matter because there was nowhere for me to go. So I keep walking around, thankful that it’s still kinda warm out. I wonder if I will starve to death before I am found. I can't even call for help.

I walk for hours toward the city and I don't stop. My feet are aching and my body is sore. I wish I had stolen a jacket or something. I walk through the night and eventually, my body shuts down. I walk off of the side of the road and find some bushes to lie down in. It's so cold I pull my arms inside of my shirt and curl up in a ball for warmth.

When I wake up, I’m cold and hungry. I sit up and stretch my sore muscles. I am so fucking sore. I walk for another few hours and my feet are killing me. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I need to find some shelter but I have no one I can trust don't know the phone number of the only person that I know I can trust. Then I got an idea. If I could find a pay phone with a phone book, I could call The Whispering Russian Collect. It's a long shot... a very long shot, but it's all that I have. I have nothing left. I pray they accept the charges.

I walk for a few more hours before I finally find a payphone that isn't locked up. I dial the operator and ask for the phone number. I call collect and wait. After about 30 seconds, someone picks up.

"The Whispering Russian," a deep voice growls into the phone.

I recognize the voice and I think I might have just gotten luck as fuck.

Then the automated voice takes over and says "You have a collect call from"

I say "Rose Vinci help me."

The automated voice resumes and asks if they will accept the charges. They accept the charges I hear the click of the call connecting and then the sound of static.

"Rose? This is Demetrius is everything ok? Why are you calling collect? Where are you?" he asks.

"Is Vlad there? Please, I need help."

"He isn't. It's just me and Luna. What's going on?"

I explain everything that happened, and he says a string of things in Russian that I am pretty sure are curse words.

"I am coming for you. Where are you? Are you ok?" he asks.

"I'm not sure where I am. Somewhere near the city, but I don't know exactly where. My feet hurt and I am starving. I am so scared that they will find me."

"Where are you?"

I look around. "I am by a grocery store called The Farmers Market."

"Ok, I am coming to get you. Stay put. Do not leave that place. Do you understand?"

"I promise I won't. I'm just so scared that Salvatore will find me. Or Leo."

"Hide until we get there. I will call Vlad and pick him up on my way there. Stay hidden."

"Ok, I will try. I'm sorry for calling you. I know that this will put you in danger."

"Do not worry about that right now. Just stay hidden until I get there. Ok?"

"I will. Thank you so much, Demetrius."

I hang up the phone and walk towards the market to see if there is somewhere I can hide. I walk around the building and find a few places that will work. I hide in a dark alley by the dumpster so that I can see when they pull up.

Chapter 21
