Page 13 of His Queen

"Get over here and pour the coffee. You Fucking worthless little bitch," he sneers.

My eyes cut to him and I ball up my fists. I am five seconds from jumping over the table at him when I hear my brother clears his throat, snapping me out of the rage I was about to unleash.

She moves closer to the table and looks at me again from under her lashes. I can tell she is worried and scared. I want to reach out and tell her she is safe now, but I have to figure out what is going on first. My eyes narrow in on the Don and Salvatore. The Don says nothing. He doesn't even flinch when this piece of shit calls his daughter names. What kind of man doesn't care? But she is clearly the Don's daughter. What the fuck. I literally slept with the enemy. But then again, so did she.

I look over at Demetrius, and I see he is observing me. I can't figure out if he knows she's my Maria or not. There is no way that he wouldn't have told me if he did. I shake my head as if to say not right now. My brother clears his throat again. Everyone, including Rose, looks at him. Fuck, no wonder she left the way she did. She had no other choice.

"I don't think that is necessary, Salvatore. But it would be nice to get the coffee before we discuss business."

"Why is that Demetrius?"

"Because I am sure she doesn't deserve your abuse. What do you think, Don Vinci? Do you think he should be verbally abusing your only child in front of the heads of the Bratva? I think it's in poor form that you would even allow him in the same room with her."

"You are correct, Demetrius. He is just a little rough around the edges."

"He's a fucking rapist, and you know it," Demetrius growls at him. “Rough around the edges doesn’t even come close to what he is.”

I hear Mar... Rose when she takes a sharp inhale. She looks at me again and I can't help but watch her. My heart is beating fast in my chest. She is here, and she is safe. I need to get her out of here. She is the fucking enemy. How the fuck can I help her without an all-out war?

"That is enough!" The Don bellows. "Salvatore, go wait outside."

"But Don."

"Don't make me tell you again or I'll throw you out."

Salvatore stands up and stomps out of the room.

"Now, I think we should finish our business. Rose, please put the coffee on the table and head back with the other women."

She nods, and I can see the fear in her eyes when she glances at the door. "Yes, father."

Observing closely, I can sense her struggle to regain composure while pouring the coffee. Her trembling hand causes a small spill on the table. I observe as she swiftly wipes it up and places the pot on the table. In that moment, I exchange a knowing glance with Demetrius. Fuck.

"Shall we get on with it? We have other places to be and this meeting is dragging on too long," Demetrius snarls.

The Don narrows his eyes at my brother. "I believe you were about to agree to the new trade deals."

"I believe I wasn't going to do anything of the kind. I told you the Bratva doesn't deal in humans anymore." He sneers.

"Demetrius, be reasonable. Surely you can honor the trade deals and move on." Aldo speaks up.

Demetrius looks at me, and I shake my head no. "Vladimir just came back from Mother Russia. He came with the message that we will not be doing any business with the Italians. Even if they were ok with it. I am not. That monster raped my wife and then has the balls to think it’s funny. He still owes her his life for that one. I will not be lenient with him. He will pay for it one day. When is just a matter of semantics."

The Don's face turns red as he looks at us. Rose has moved toward us with the coffee. But when Demetrius was speaking, she stopped and listened. I could see the look in her eyes when he talked about Luna. Her gaze drifted to her father, and he looked away as if ashamed. Which would make sense if he knew about the abuse. But he still agreed to the marriage, and that is unforgivable.

"That is enough Rose. Leave." Don Vinci tells her.

She nods and abandons the cart, heading for the door. When she passes by me, I see her take a deep breath. I want to take her in my arms and tell her everything will be ok. That I will save her from this fate, but I can't. She walks out of the room and I want to follow her. But if I go directly after her, it will look suspicious.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen. As you can see, my daughter has no idea what we are discussing. She shouldn't be privy to this information." The Don says as if this would make up for the fact he didn't defend her.

"Perhaps she should be privy to the kind of man you sold her to." I spit out with disdain.

She is mine. My fiery redhead. I need to find out what the fuck is going on here. My head is swimming with thoughts of her and I need to focus on the task at hand. How am I going to get her out of this mess?

"Excuse me?" The Don looks shocked by my statement.

Demetrius laughs, "You heard my brother. She should know that her father sold her to a man who enjoys raping women. He is a sick bastard and you know it. Don't act all surprised. You sat here and listened to us say it and yet you did nothing."