Page 12 of His Queen

He recoils, as though Demetrius’ smile would somehow contaminate him.

"So now that we have gotten that out of the way. Let's get to the point, shall we? You know that we have no interest in continuing to trade with you or honor the deals that Viktor made with you. We won't be dealing in people, women or otherwise. This is an order handed down straight from Russia. So, your next move is up to you."

"Is that a threat?" Salvatore snaps.

Demetrius laughs, "Oh no, I would never threaten the Don." He smiles and his eyes glint with malicious intent "It's a promise. Just the same as I made one to you that will come true." He grins at Salvatore.

Aldo looks nervous, but doesn't say anything. He just continues to watch the room the same as me.

"Are you threatening me, Demetrius?" Salvatore snarls.

"Would I do something like that? No, I don't make threats Salvatore. I only make promises."

"I have half a mind to take you out myself!"

"Well, why don't you try that and see what happens to you?" My brother taunts.

Salvatore stands from his seat, but Aldo pulls him back down. The Don is watching with disinterest in what is happening.

"This is just a friendly chat, boys. Let's calm down a bit."

My brother smirks. "Of course, Don Vinci. But you know Salvatore here is not someone I trust. He shouldn’t feel safe around me."

Salvatore's face turns red "Why you." He jumps up, but the Don gives him a look and he sits back down. Demetrius just smiles at him.

"I believe what my brother means is that he has no desire to be in the presence of a man who raped his wife and deals in human trafficking," I say, watching the Don's face.

We all know he has sold his only daughter to Salvatore. I guess my question is ... does he really know how bad Salvatore is? Or does he just not care?

"Enough! We have business to discuss. Sal, get my daughter to bring in the refreshments."

The Don looks pissed off by my words, but doesn't argue. This must mean that he doesn't really know what his soon-to-be son-in-law does behind closed doors, or he just didn’t know it was public knowledge.

"And how is your wife, Demetrius? Luna is it? She was so sweet. I would love to meet her again." Salvatore sneers.

Demetrius clenches his fist and his jaw tenses. "Don't you dare speak about my wife."

Salvatore laughs. I can tell he wants to push this more, but I'm not sure he will. Demetrius might keep his cool, but I'm not sure I can. If he keeps going, it might be me getting shot. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"He will have his day, brother. For now, take a breath." I tell him in Russian.

He nods and takes a deep breath. "If you are trying to rile me up, it won't work. We are here for business, not to talk about my wife. So I would suggest you focus on the task at hand."

The Don looks at Sal again. "Didn't I just tell you to do something?"

"Yes, Don." Salvatore jumps up and walks out the door.

After a few moments, he comes back in and sits down. "She will be in here momentarily, Don Vinci."

The door opens and a couple of women walk in carrying trays of drinks and small cakes. They both look terrified of being in here. Both girls are young, maybe in their early twenties. They serve the drinks and cake before exiting the room. I am surprised when the door opens again and a redhead walks into the room, pushing a cart with coffee on it.

When she looks up, our eyes lock and I tense up. I can tell the moment she recognizes me because she freezes. I'm not sure what I should do at this point. Maria is here, and every instinct is telling me to jump up and go to her.

"Rose, hurry up!" Salvatore snaps at her.

I snap my attention to Salvatore and realize who she is. The daughter of the Don. Maria is the daughter of Don Vinci. Why is she here? I turn my attention back to her and see the fear on her face. But he just called her Rose. Did she give me a fake name? I thought we had an actual connection. Fuck, I must be stupid.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I was talking to the girls about the wedding. It won't happen again." She blurts.