Page 10 of His Queen

We walk through the foyer and toward the front stairs so we can make our way up to the formal sitting area to meet with my father. If it was any other night, I would expect my dad to be sitting at his desk in his private study. It is such a strong contrast. Every man around him can be cold-hearted. I knew the moment he showed up at my school, his face twisted with rage that nothing would ever be the same between us again.

Lena's arm feels strong. I can sense that she is shaking, too. Why didn't I try to talk to her sooner? Oh my goodness, what was I thinking? I think about the night I walked in and found my father standing over my stepmother. I never thought anything of it. I had never seen my father raise his hand to a woman before. But now that I think back on it, I can remember the look of relief on her face when she saw me. Her expression, though fleeting, tells a completely different story than my father's. I shouldn't have trusted that she chose him. How could I not know?

When we walk into the sitting room, my father is sitting there drinking a whiskey with Aldo next to him and another man is sitting directly across from them. All three men glance in our direction and my father smiles at me before looking back at Lena. He scowls and the other man takes a sip from his glass, watching us over the rim of it. I can tell they are trying to have a quiet conversation without us knowing. Which makes me wonder what's going on.

"If you will excuse me."

My father stands and grabs us both by the arms, ushering us quickly out of the room. Something is definitely up. Lena is also glancing over her shoulder repeatedly at Aldo and the other man, who is still behind us. I can't place her behavior exactly, but I would guess they know each other. At maybe they've met, but what are the odds she knows him? We hurry our steps as if our lives depend on it.

I glance back and the stranger is looking intently in our direction, and I notice a flash of something in his gaze. I look at Lena and the flush in her cheeks let me know something else is going on here. My father escorts us from the room and down the hall. Pulling us both to the stairs.

"You both need to go upstairs. This has nothing to do with you." He looks at Lena. "And if I catch you eavesdropping again, there will be consequences. You know better!"

"Dad, we just got back. We weren’t eavesdropping, we just got back. What's going on?"

"That is none of your business. Now both of you go upstairs."

His glare causes Lena to shrink away. I know then that he isn't good to her, and that really pisses me off. No wonder he doesn't care about what happens to me. He lets go of our arms with a shove toward the steps. He says nothing more and just moves out of sight back to the formal living area. I turn my attention back to Lena, who I have to run after. She looks back at the hallway.

"I'm just going to go to our wing. I need some time alone."

"Lena, you want to talk about this?"

She tries to hide her pain, but I know it's there. I hate the idea of her going through the same thing I am. But, at the very least, maybe we can help ease the loneliness of each other. I sigh when she walks away and I head to my suite for the remainder of the evening.

Chapter 8


It'sbeenabitover a month, and I finally just returned to Brighton Beach to take over as my brother's brigadier. Things in Russia always take forever. But now that I have sorted it all and we have the ok from the heads of the Bratva there for the transfer of power, things can move forward. Demetrius had some concerns since our relationship was so rocky with the Kremlin, to begin with. Viktor was already hanging on by a string with them, so it went much smoother than I thought it would.

I still hate the fact that when I woke up Maria wasn't in my bed. She is forever on my mind. I have tried to get her out of my head, but nothing works. Not beautiful women. Not liquor. Nothing can change the outcome for even one night. The only way I can even get it up is to pretend she is who I am with and I haven’t even bothered since that one night.

Every time I wake up, my thoughts are consumed by her, no matter what I try to do. The moment I close my eyes, she appears in my dreams. She has destroyed me. And it’s only gotten worse over time. I feel even more lost and alone than before. There’s no way to escape the nightmare my life has turned into since that night. Even the mere thought of her no longer brings any pleasure. The only person who can provide the relief I desperately need is her.

I need to track down the sweet little woman who made me yearn for and ache for more of her. My world is crashing in and she left before we could explore what could have happened if she just stayed. I kept telling myself maybe she was married, and that's why she didn't stay. There could have been a million reasons why she couldn't stay with me. Still, my desire burns for her every time I see something that reminds me of her. Every time I see a woman with red hair, my attention falters. I'll just have to deal with my consequences.

"Where is your head at Vlad?"

I turned my attention from the window I was staring out of.

"I just can't get her out of my head, Demetrius. It's like she just lives there rent-free and takes over at every opportunity. I'm a hopeless case. I’ve tried forgetting. It doesn’t work."

He laughs at me, but he knows what I mean. It happened to him too. He knew when he met Luna that he couldn't live without her.

"Have you tried finding her?"

I shake my head. "No, if she wanted to be found, she wouldn't have skipped out like that."

"You need to relax, little brother. Let your duties consume your day and maybe she'll return."

Demetrius, however, is probably the last person who should be saying this to me. He was ready to burn this city to the ground for Luna not long ago. But he is right. I need to try to move on. Maybe I could make some discreet inquiries about who she is or what family she is from. Fuck. I need to let this go.

"Thanks. I guess I shouldn't be lost in my thoughts about her when we are heading to have a meeting with Don Vinci. What's the topic this time?"

"He is still trying to get me to honor the deals Viktor made. Which I will not be doing. Not only does Russia not want it, but I refuse to take part in something that caused so much damage to my angel."

"That would make sense." It doesn't surprise me that he wants nothing to do with a man who would sell his only child. "Did he sell his daughter to Salvatore?"