Page 11 of His Queen


"But isn't he one of the ones who... you know?"

"He is, and he will still pay for that. I don't care who he thinks he is." My brother scowls at the memory.

Demetrius tracked down Luna after she had been taken and put into one of the Cartel's human trafficking rings. Paid 100k to get her back and promised they would all pay for the things they did to her. Some have already paid the price, but reaching Salvatore is difficult because he is a higher-up and will soon become the Don after the wedding in a few months.

It's a sickening thought that the Cartels abduct children from the streets and force them to use their bodies to earn their captors a little more money. It's sickening that a man would stoop so low to allow one of these brutes to buy his only child.

"We will be there soon. I'll need you to stop me from killing him in front of the Don if he starts talking about Luna." Demetrius rubs the back of his neck.

"Of course. Would that be before or after you get a few good shots in?" I smirk at him.

"Good point. Maybe after," he smirks.

The drive from Brighton Beach to the office building in Manhattan that they use for meetings rarely takes long, but this morning, it seems to take forever. This could be due to us being occupied with other matters instead of focusing on catching a drug dealer targeting schools. We have a name and an address. Most people know already not to fuck with Demetrius, but some people are just stupid.

I wonder if Maria is ok and what she's doing today? Would it make me seem like a loser because of the way I think about her? I wish I knew if she thought about me, too. One moment was all it took and here I am hanging by a thread, hoping the thread doesn’t snap and kill me. I can't stop thinking about how badly I wish I could see her again. Or what life would be like if I could at least know where to find her.

When we pull up to the large building, we wait for security to open the underground parking doors for us. That way, we are all hidden as we come in and out of the building. Once we step out of the car, I see Aldo the Don's second in command waiting for us by the elevator. He is leaning against the wall, waiting for us. He smiles and greets my brother first. I can see he is trying to get on his good side, but who doesn't?

Demetrius doesn't care. He has to play nice sometimes, and it annoys the shit out of him. I chuckle as he rolls his eyes at the man as soon as he looks down from the falseness of the act.

"Well Aldo, good morning." Demetrius offers a sharp nod to him.

"Good morning Demetrius and Vladimir, a pleasure to see you. The Don is waiting in the conference room upstairs. I will accompany you."

"Fantastic, let's get this over with," I say dryly.

The elevator is made of glass and we can see the interior of the building as we go up. The view is truly amazing. I can see down into the atrium below where the offices are, and all the plants that surround it are swaying slightly. This gives me a great idea for the perfect scene to get lost in with Maria. One where we are fucking in the glass elevator and anyone walking through the atrium could see us.

There could be an onlooker who decides they should jerk themselves off while they watch me drill Maria with my cock from behind. Watch her breasts bounce and her head tossed back with pleasure. Fuck, what was that? I'm standing here having an imaginary encounter and I've grown rock hard.

I groan to myself. How can this possibly happen? The one who brings about this type of arousal can't even be in my life.

Here we are heading into a dangerous meeting and I've got a hard-on. I run my hands through my hair, wishing I could reach down and adjust the rock-hard erection pressing against my pants, but that wouldn't go over well. Hopefully, no one can tell, or maybe I should blame it on being so close to Aldo. What a laugh. I bet that would be one hell of a conversation starter. But as always, my thoughts drift back to her.

How many people have felt like this? Aching to hold on to something they can't touch. But how can someone steal your thoughts? I can feel my blood boiling over every little thought of her. What's going on here is proof that somehow Maria has stolen my heart and soul? It was one fucking night.

I shake my head to clear the thoughts as the elevator comes to a halt and the doors open. Aldo and my brother walk forward and I follow behind, hoping no one notices my dilemma. But damn, the bulge in my pants is hard to disguise. I can only hope my jacket hides the shape of my aching cock.

Chapter 9


Wesatdownatthe long table with the Don at one end and us at the other. I'm not sure if that is intentional, but I think it's meant to be intimidating. My brother has his normal poker face on, and I'm just trying to keep my erection in check. It's hard not to be nervous. This is a tense situation that could turn bad quickly.

I hate dealing with the Italians. Especially since Salvatore is looking at Demetrius and smiling. That alone could cause this all to go up in smoke. Demetrius has made it clear he wants the man to pay for what he did to Luna. And I know if I have to keep him from killing him, I might be the one that pays the price. Not that I really want to stop him. He would deserve everything my brother would do to him. But it would certainly be war.

"Demetrius, Vladimir, how nice to see you both. I was sorry to hear of Viktor's death. It must have been a tough time for you both."

I see my brother bristle at the man's words, but he says nothing.

"You could have come and watched it yourself. I feel no remorse for what I did to him." Demetrius sneers back.

The Don laughs and shakes his head. "My, how things have changed since our last meeting. I didn’t need to witness you torturing him. Although I did hear you did it in a gruesome way."

Demetrius laughs and leans back in his chair. "Oh yes, we had a good time. Of course, Luna feeding him his heart was the best moment of all." He looks at Salvatore and smiles brightly.