Page 51 of Leilani's Hero

Thankfully, it was clear. Angel could imagine Leilani thinking his insistence on checking her room was a waste of time.

He didn’t care. Better safe than dead.

Once they were safely inside, he stood in the living area, at a loss for what to do next.

Yeah, they’d made love, but he couldn’t assume she wanted him to sleep with her.

Leilani disappeared into the bedroom.

A moment later, she reappeared in the doorway, a frown creasing her brow. “Aren’t you coming?”

He remained standing in the other room. “Only if that’s what you want.”

Her frown deepened. Leilani left her bedroom, crossed to where he stood, took his hand and led him into the bedroom.

That night, they made love slowly and intentionally, fully aware of the other’s needs. Angel made certain he satisfied her desires before slaking his own.

It was well past midnight when Leilani fell asleep, a smile on her face.

Angel lay for a few minutes longer, staring down at Leilani, marveling at her beauty and how feely she’d opened to him.

He found himself wondering if there was a world where he and Leilani had a future together.

His career path led to the Big Island. Leilani loved her birthright there on Maui. Angel doubted she’d willingly leave to follow any man anywhere else.

Which left him where?

Completely infatuated with a woman who would never be with him. A woman who would choose her island over him.

When this case was over, he’d move on. Leilani would stay on Maui and pick up the pieces of the only life she’d ever known. It would never be how it had been before the fires, but it was still the island of her ancestors. That was reason enough to make her want to stay.

As he held her in his arms, he couldn’t imagine life without this woman. A woman he’d known less than a week.

He vowed to make the most of the rest of his week with Leilani, stockpiling memories as that might be all he had left of her once he left Maui.


Leilani woke with a smile,her body tucked against Angel’s, wishing she could always wake this way.

Though she’d rather lay there all morning, safe and warm, she had responsibilities to her employees, her business and the customers who’d reserved space on her tour boat, the Windsong II.

She’d done her best to accommodate the guests who’d been assigned to the now-defunct Windsong I by shifting many over to crowd onto the Windsong II. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to get them all onto the other boat. She’d managed to work with other tour companies to reassign them to similar tours, canceling their reservations with Windsong Tours and transferring them to her competitors.

It was what they did. Her competitors were her peers, not her enemies. They helped each other out when a boat had to go into the shop unexpectedly. They did their best to keep the customers happy no matter what tour company benefitted. They counted on each other to help out when they needed it.

Leilani slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Angel. She grabbed a T-shirt from a drawer, entered the bathroom and closed the door to avoid disturbing him. After brushing her teeth and pulling her hair back into a ponytail, she left the bathroom to find the bed empty.

“Angel?” she called out.

“In here,” he answered from the living area.

She found him fully dressed in swim trunks and a polo shirt, sitting on the sofa, tying the strings on his running shoes.

“What do you usually do for breakfast,” he asked.

“Give me a minute to get the rest of my clothes on, and I’ll make scrambled eggs.” She stripped out of the T-shirt, pulled on a bikini and topped it with a Windsong polo shirt and shorts. She shoved her feet into deck shoes and hurried out to the living area, anxious to be with Angel. She found that the more she was with him, the more she wanted to be with him.

She didn’t want to think about the end of the week when he’d leave for the Big Island and his new job with the Brotherhood Protectors.