Page 52 of Leilani's Hero

Angel stood at the two-burner stove in the tiny kitchenette. His height and broad shoulders filled the space, making it impossible for two people to be there at once. In the short time it had taken her to dress, he’d found a pan, cooking spray and eggs and was well into cooking scrambled eggs.

Even though there wasn’t really enough room in the kitchen for anyone else, Leilani squeezed past Angel and pulled plates and a toaster out of cabinets. She plugged in the toaster and slid two slices of bread into the slots.

“Coffee?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” he answered, busily pushing the fluffy yellow eggs around the skillet.

Leilani spooned coffee grounds into a fresh filter and poured water into the coffeemaker. Minutes later, the rich scent filled the kitchen.

When the toast popped up, Leilani buttered one side and laid a slice on each plate.

Angel scooped scrambled eggs from the pan onto the two plates and set the pan to soak in the sink.

Leilani carried the plates to the small table and went back to the coffee maker to fill two cups with the steaming brew.

Angel took one from her, then bent and brushed his lips across hers. “Good morning, beautiful.”

Her entire body warmed at his kiss and words. They dispelled any awkward, morning-after anxiety she’d felt.

They carried their mugs to the table and dug into the food.

Halfway through the eggs on her plate, Leilani’s cell phone chirped with an incoming text. She glanced down at a message from Captain Dave.

Steve called in sick. Brad showed up coughing. Sent him home. Tried to get Josh. Not answering. Need deckhands ASAP.

Leilani sighed. “Captain Dave just informed me his deckhands are out sick. If I can’t get anyone else to come in on short notice, I’ll be working on the Windsong II today.”

“Don’t forget, Reid will be there to take over from Dev.”

Leilani called Josh’s number. His voicemail picked up immediately, so she left a message. “Hey, Josh, this is Leilani. Captain Dave’s deckhands are out sick. Need you to work the Windsong II today. Call me when you get this message.”

After she ended the call, she quickly finished her breakfast and carried her plate and Angel’s to the little sink, rinsed them and tucked them into the miniature dishwasher.

“I just need to brush my teeth, and I’ll be ready to go. Do I need to get my car keys from Olina?”

Angel carried their coffee mugs to the sink. “No. We’ll take the rental for as long as I’m here.” While Leilani rinsed the mugs and stacked them in the dishwasher, Angel grabbed his shaving kit.

They converged in the bathroom to brush their teeth, sharing the sink like a married couple.

Leilani liked that it felt natural, free of any kind of embarrassment. Damn, she could get used to having him around on a more permanent basis.

She sighed and spit toothpaste into the sink.

Angel did as well and met her gaze in the mirror. “That was a big sigh. Did I keep you up too late, and now you’re too tired to work the tour?”

“No, I’m fine,” she said, her cheeks heating. “Just thinking about all the things I need to do.”

Angel rinsed his toothbrush, then tapped the excess water out.

Leilani hung her toothbrush in the holder. “You can put yours here with mine if you like.”

He did. The simple gesture was one more way of reminding Leilani what life would be like if they could be together every day.

She pushed thoughts of a future without Angel out of her mind, squared her shoulders and prepared to face the day.

Halfway across the resort campus, Angel’s cell phone chirped. He fished it out of his pocket and looked at the screen. “It’s Swede, Hank’s computer guy.” He answered the call. “Cortez, here.”

Leilani leaned close in an attempt to hear what Swede had to say.