
Garden of the Gods

Colorado Springs Underground Facility

“This is the beta run. Even though you have taken classes, and even though our slaves have been trained, no position as Master or Mistress is set in stone until you can prove you’re worthy of the title. So far, you’ve passed enough tests to make it here to our first auction, but who are you? I’ll tell you. You are the wealthy. The powerful. Influential. That got you here, but that’s where it ends. Inside the Gardens, you have no name; you have a number. Your identity or status in the outside world means absolutely nothing. Zero. Here, there is no power or favoritism. This is my world, and you are no one. Let that sink in.” He paused, staring us all down. “You are no one. The only thing that connects all of you is …you’re all fucking sick.”

Laughter echoed in the large theater-type setting. Everything from the crème-colored silk chairs we all sat in, to the pale lavender velvet accents, invoked welcome. Just as the Main Master, Elec Wexler did through his introduction as he continued.

“Tonight is the first night of endless more auctions. A small majority of you come to us from Whitlock1. Take note, this is not that place. The rules are different. The location is different. Do not mistake me for your old Main Master. I am not Bram Whitlock. The Garden of the Gods will never fall.”


“For those who are new, let me explain how this works. We start the bidding with the white, or w’s2for short. These are the virgins. From there, we move to the b’s: or blue3.” He paused, raising one of his eyebrows sarcastically. “You guessed it: not virgins. The d’s4will follow. They’re docile, trained, and good for those who are looking for a long-term slave. Lastly, come the black, or as we call them, the crows5. They’re not your typical slave. These are the cheap, buy-one-get-one-half-off sort of deals. They are the convicts. The disfigured. The breeders. Some are plain repulsive.” He shrugged. “And if you’re into it, old. You get it. Like I said, not typical for a place where beauty and sterilization are usually the standard.”

“For the Mistresses or those looking for our programmable, ‘blank slate’6males, your auction is just through that door off to the right. The information was in your packet, but just in case you missed it, these are the males who have had portions of their memories erased. They know who they are, but they only remember what we want them to. We’d like to think when it comes to security issues, we’ve learned from the past. Like I said before, we’re in the beta stages, but we’re assured these male slaves are safe. Since we’re doing our own trial run, you can get them at a steal. They will take orders. They will obey no matter what the demand is. Use your imagination. If you’re still having trouble understanding, read more about each of these in the pamphlet.”

He turned, pointing, but continued. “Some of you are here to spill blood. Some want sex beyond the norm. Here, there are no rules. What you buy is yours. Do with it what you will. Fuck it. Kill it. Eat it.”

Elec walked down the length of the stage. He wore a black fitted suit with a matching black button-up shirt and tie. His dark hair was on the shorter side, and his handsome features couldn’t be overlooked. From anyone in the large audience, they’d see he addressed the crowd in comfort. He wasn’t afraid of public speaking—he thrived in his new position. His tall length stood straight, yet he walked with ease as his light eyes took in everything. For those who knew or remembered Bram Whitlock7, there was no mistaking the resemblance. Elec’s father was siblings with Bram’s mother. Both boys’ genes ran deep on the Wexler side.

“If you look down the arm of the chair, you will see a button. Do not.” He stopped, turning in a slow circle to view everyone in the room. “Let me say it again, so I’m not accused of not making myself clear.Do not…press that button unless you are sure you want to bid. Also…do not continue bidding if you don’t have the money. Here, there’s no such thing as accidents. If you bid, you buy. If you can’t pay, I will take my payment however I see fit. Your business. Your house. Your hand.” His eyes narrowed. “Your life.I am not your friend. I am not going to take it easy on you. If you cross me, you're dead. If you lie to me, I will cut out your tongue, and then you will die. Honesty is everything. Remember that.”

“The rules are easy, but acceptance into the Garden of the Gods comes at a price. You signed a contract to get this far. You know the ‘dos and don’ts’. Memorize them. It could mean your life if you forget.”

Lights raced the length of the circumference, illuminating the edge of the floor, and running over the top arches of multiple doorways. Gasps and chatter filled the theater and heads spun from the stage to the nearest entrance as a line of the most beautiful women adorned in sheer, white robes awaited their cue.

“Now that we got that out of the way; prepare to empty your wallets. This is the fun part. You’re about to have your wildest, bloodiest dreams come true. Happy bidding, Masters and Mistresses. I have no doubts you’ll enjoy.”

Mistress B-0003

For an underground military installation, Garden of the Gods was exactly as I expected. At least, at first. The electronic doors to get in were heavily guarded. My every move had been watched: physically and digitally. I was escorted by two guards at all times as they weaved me through dull, cement halls. Eventually, we took an elevator down for what felt like forever. Once it opened, more halls until…something inside me sparked. A large gate appeared, giving view to a dream. One I’d had for so long, I couldfeelmyself come to life.It was real emotion: excitement. Not pretend, like my occupation as an actress made me mimic. Delight. Anticipation. They blossomed inside me promising a truth I wouldn’t have to hide anymore.

The double, golden doors that greeted me were thick. Large snakes rested in the middle of each door, and symbols were engraved down every inch around them. The gate had to have been almost twenty feet tall and stood opened. The sight alone had me slowing as I approached. What I saw as I headed through the main entrance was another world altogether.

Apple trees.They led to the cornucopia of amenities and shops that made up the main street for the city. On each side of the fifteen-foot path rested everything from restaurants to boutiques. Even salons and clubs of every kind were fitted in-between as I peered down to the empty and intersecting roads. It was as if I were in a ghost city, and it was waiting for its residents to come to life for its grand opening.

Something flickered above and pulled my eyes from the flashing signs that welcome me forward. Up and up my stare traveled, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

“Is that?”

I didn’t have the words to continue. The building was painted just as black as the void above, disappearing into the darkness. There appeared to be so many levels, I couldn’t tell how many floors there were as I looked up. If it wasn’t for the random lights coming on from apartments above, I wouldn’t have even noticed the building completely surrounding the circular city at all.

“This way, Mistress.”

The disorienting maze hadn’t ended with my new home. As I followed the guards inside, I quickly learned things weren’t quite what they seemed. The outdoor city was a speck of what made up the Garden of the Gods. More cameras. More uniformed guards at every turn as we weaved inside another type of indoor city. When we got in a glass elevator, I really got a dose of what our new world was about, and some floors catered more for the depraved. Toy shops. Weapons. Animals. From stables to armories, to a grocery floor, to a hospital wing I couldn’t see inside of, there seemed to be nothing this place didn’t have.

It took roughly fifteen minutes, but I finally was led to an apartment on the fourteenth floor. An apartment I styled months ago, but I was never given the information on where it was located. My smile was automatic the moment I saw my creation, and it hadn’t left me in the hours since. It stayed in place even now as I ran my hands down my black silk dress. My day at the salon had been nothing compared to what I’d undergone for the Oscars, but I looked phenomenal. After all, this was the beginning of something great, something I’d waited my entire life for, and if I was taught anything, it was to go into the unknown looking your best.

“Mistresses, I know some of you were not happy to hear you’d been separated from the main auction, but this is a necessity for those of you who seek out males. You’ve taken your classes. Those of you who are interested in the blank slates know the risks and what to expect. Trust me when I say it is safer this way. Now, if you’ll follow me, we can get your own auction started.”

Elec, the Main Master, had us gathered off to the side of the auditorium that was in full swing with bids. The room we walked through was dark, haloed with blue lights that lit up morbid paintings of gold and silver. Arched, closed doors filled the wide hallway, and white light flooded the space as he headed deeper into the building, gesturing to multiple leather sofas adorned with large binders. His eyes scanned the crowd as women gathered in from behind.

“This is your auction room. There are two of you to each sofa. Pictures of male slaves fill those binders. The ones that are blank slates or programmable are marked with the blue star. If you see one you like, you’re to head to that machine over there and enter the information. A guard will escort you to the slave’s cell. There, he will be restrained. You can go in and do what you must, but a warning,” he said sternly. “If you kill, maim, or put so much as a scratch on my slave, you will buy him at a price I deem fit. If you can’t afford that price, I will find a way to get my money out of you. Do you understand?”

I nodded, hearing mummers behind me.

“If you find a slave you wish to purchase, you return to your seat and enter your choice into the system. There are forty-four of you. There are over five hundred males. The auction will be first-come, first-served. Just because you chose one does not exclude others from changing their minds from their own choice and bidding on your slave. After you’ve won your slave, the code word you chose in your application will be programmed to your property. Delivery is immediate. Any issues that arise will be taken care of with that one word. This applies to all slaves, not just the blank slates. Without going into too much detail, we have paired with secret government sources and made it our priority that whether you’re female, old, weak, you arealwayssafe. This code word will immobilize on recognition, so…don’t say your code word unless you mean to disable your slave. If for some reason you need assistance outside of that, we have guards on the opposite end of every floor. Their number is pound zero-zero. They will arrive at your location immediately. Any questions?”