“Yes.” I cleared my throat, staying in my role.Cold. Confident. “What if I wish to buy both male and female?”


One of Elec’s brows raised, only for him to shrug. “The w’s1are already going fast. If a virgin is what you’re after, I suggest you not waste time. Find me in the main auction room when you’re ready. It’s right back through the door. Anything else?”


“Great,” he said, readdressing the crowd. “You’ll find your Mistress number assigned to the table next to your seat. Happy bidding.”

As fast as he’d come, Main Master Elec departed. I was sure he had to return to the other auction, but I wasn’t a fan of how us women were separated. I didn’t dwell on it as I headed forward, searching for my number. I was Beta-Mistress Three. Beta, but not for long. I had no intention of not having this work out. I’d prove I was worthy, and I’d be an Alpha. I’d be a real Mistress, and I’d disappear from the outside world forever if I chose to. It didn’t suit me anyway. I was made for this. Made and born for the darker side of this world.


Male eighty-eight. I had to have read the title on the inside of my door a million and one times in the last eleven months. Had it been that long? I hadn’t known until my medical appointment only hours ago. Eleven months. It felt like a fucking eternity after all I’d been through. As if I’d been in a dream that lasted an entire lifetime. A dream I prayed was coming to an end.

Aside from the constant training videos, human interaction was few and far between. A grab from a guard on shower day. A hold to the bicep as a nurse shot me up with lord only knew what. They didn’t talk to us just for conversation. They wouldn’t even look us in the eyes when they were giving their lessons. I wasn’t sure how many times I thought I’d break or scream until I really lost it. The psychotic episodes were endless, but perhaps they did what they meant to. I was up for auction, and I could be sold. Or…I would be if I were chosen, and although I faced certain death, I could have cried for the relief that gave me. A relief that could have gone both ways. As confusing as it was, I wanted anything other than this. Even if it was the worst thing imaginable. I didn’t care. I prayed I was picked. I prayed for a miracle upon miracles to end this torture.

Even the dimmed light gave me hope. If it was day it was bright, but at night it was pitch black. This was nice. New. A year ago, I wouldn’t have gotten excited over a fucking light. I had it made. I was in my second year of Yale. I was there on a full ride, and I just knew I was going to become someone far exceeding my piece of shit stepdad and absent real father. I was going to make it and take care of my mom the way she should have been doted on, but then I went to a stupid house-party. I never attended those things. I much preferred to go to a legitimate establishment, but this one was different. It was a mile down the road in a house I prayed someday to afford. I mainly went to check the place out and dream of my future, but I grabbed a beer, despite that I wasn’t old enough.


I couldn’t have drunk a quarter of that beer before all color faded and I passed out. When I awoke, I was strapped down to a bed. That only lasted for a day when I was moved to the underground trafficking system. I couldn’t believe it at first. It was a network of subterranean highways. I even got to see how it housed little cubbies off to the side on one of my bathroom breaks. Inside, there was a bed, toilet, and shower. It was a mini hotel room, and outside of some of them I even witnessed multiple vending machines. I shouldn’t have seen all that, but from where I was kept so close to the front, I was tall enough to peer over the glass. It was scary, but the hell didn’t start until I got here. Then, the nightmare of being processed and detained happened, breaking me down even more.

I barely remembered any of that now…

My eyes left my slave number posted on the door and lowered to my nude, muscled frame. If I did anything, it was workout. It was all I could do to pass the time and try to keep sane. I couldn’t help now but wonder if it would pay off. It hadn’t even dawned on me before but…more hope? I’d been undressed like this for an hour. Would the auction last all night? How would I know it was over?

My mind said it didn’t matter, even though I felt deep down it did. I tried holding to the concerns pouring through despite an internal voice telling me not to worry about those either. The voice was always there, always telling me what to think or how to feel.

Curiosity returned and with it, the ache as I stared around the room. I couldn’t stay here another night. Not one more. Not one. If I didn’t get chosen, how long before the next auction? Were they weekly? Monthly? What if no one ever picked me? What if I spent another ten years rotting away in this cell all because I didn’t look as good as I did from when they’d taken me? And looks definitely had something to do with it. Every slave I’d come into contact with in the last year had been gorgeous. I wasn’t naïve that women thought I was attractive. Hell, I was barraged at college, despite alienating myself to focus on my studies. Maybe that was isolated. To these buyers, I could very well not be good enough.

A strangled sound left me as I shifted and pulled the few inches I was allowed from the chains. Buzzing caused me to jump, and my breath hitched as my door electronically opened. A guard surged in, meeting my eyes dead-on. The shock and intensity had me immediately lowering mine. Despite that I was sure I could protect myself outside of these chains, I’d been beaten and trained enough to know what not to do. I couldn’t ruin any chance I had of getting out of this room now.

My stare shot to my feet as the guard tugged at the restraints on my wrists and checked the ones at my ankles. When he lifted, I braved a glance up. He had his back to me and was nodding at someone outside. Even though I knew I’d get in trouble if I were caught, my head tried to move over, but I couldn’t see around the man’s wide frame.Guilt.The voice. I shouldn’t have done that. I had to obey everything I was taught. I had to follow orders.

“He’s secure. You may enter.”

“He’s a blank slate1? You’re sure?”

“Yes, Mistress. He’s very aware. He’ll even appear semi-normal, but his focus will be primarily on you. With what he’s undergone, he won’t be able to help it. You will be safe.”

“That’s what they keep telling me. Let’s find out.”

He walked out and any thought or breath I may have held vanished just as fast. I was dead. There was no other way to make sense of what I was seeing. It simply wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. Not even in my wildest dreams would I have ever come face to face with the movie star, Charlotte Wyce. She was beyond famous. Maybe the most recognized and important female celebrity to exist. She was an activist for women’s rights. She wasthevoice for domestic violence. How many movies had I watched and drooled over her? And she was here, walking right in my direction in the sexiest silk dress I’d ever seen? No. She was a vision or hallucination. What I was seeing couldn’t be real.

“This is surprising. You’re better than the pictures,” she breathed out, staring up and down my body. “Your brown hair is shorter now. In your profile, it reached down to your cheeks.” Her head tilted as she studied me. “Strong jaw. Nice lips. Light green eyes. Very light.” She got closer in the dimness, narrowing her lids. “Unbelievable. You would have had such potential in Hollywood. I think I like you so far.” When her stare stayed on mine, I forced a swallow, immediately lowering my gaze. I couldn’t think. It was impossible to form any sort of rational thought. How was any of this logical? I was a slave. Disposable if my owner deemed it so. That’s what I was taught. The Main Master said, expect to be beaten, cut up…killed. You won’t make it out of here alive.He’d said that during the tour.It’s what I had been told for months. Was it true? It had to be but…why her? How could she do something like that?

The voice returned telling me not to even think about it. That wasn’t my concern, she was. Just her.

“I said I liked you; what do you think of me, slave? Do you know who I am?”

My eyes rose at her question as I tried to get my thoughts in order. It had been so long since I actually communicated with someone. The huskiness of her voice had the ultimate lure, screwing me up even more. I’d seen Charlotte act seductive. I knew exactly how her expression appeared when lust took over. Her lips grew poutier, and her lids lowered just the smallest amount.Just as they were now as she moved in even closer to me.Fuck, for the life of me I couldn’t breathe, more or less think. But I had to. Somehow I knew my life depended on it.

“I know who you are…Mistress.”

“Mmm.” She moaned the smallest amount, closing her eyes and smiling. “I like the way you say that. Say it again.”
