Page 153 of State of Bliss

“Lead the way, my love.”

He took her hand and walked them to the sofa, where he stretched out and brought her down with him, wrapping his arms around her. “That’s better.”

Sam rested her head on his chest and breathed in the familiar scent of home. “Much better.”

“I know you don’t want me to see her.”

“I don’t want her to hurt you. Whether you see her or not is entirely up to you.”

“Would you be with me if I did?”

“Try and stop me.”

His low rumble of laughter made her smile. “And you’d promise not to bring your rusty steak knife?”

“That’s asking an awful lot of me.”

“I know it is.”

“Fine,” she said in a dramatic tone. “If you insist.”

“I’m afraid I do, as bloodshed in the Oval Office would be unseemly.”

“You’re not seeing her there. Anywhere but at the White House, which is exactly what she probably wants. We can go to the house on Ninth Street.”

“Yeah, that would be better. As long as you’ll be there, I suppose I could let her make her case.”

Sam had known he’d say that even if she’d wished he would tell the woman to go away and stay gone. He didn’t have that in him, which was one of a million reasons she loved him so much. “After I let her stew for a couple of days, I’ll set it up.”

“Not until after the Canadian PM’s visit.”

“Right. I’ll tell her no Chanel No. 5 either.”

“That’d be good. Thank you for running interference for me.”


Gonzo waitedfor Kerr to arrive before he had Tori brought up to an interrogation room. An older man arrived with Kerr. He was tall, with gray hair and a distinguished air about him. “This is one of our senior partners, James Teller,” Kerr said. “James, meet Sergeant Gonzales and Detective Cruz.”

As Gonzo shook hands with the man, he was thinking,Oh shit.A senior partner would know what he was doing, unlike Kerr.

He led them to the interrogation room, where a Patrol officer watched over Tori, who was shackled at the hands and feet.

Freddie turned on the recorder.

Kerr introduced her to Teller.

“Are you going to get me out of here?” she asked the older man.

“I’ll do everything I can for you, sweetheart. Try not to worry.” To Gonzo and Freddie, he said, “Is it necessary for her to be shackled? Who’s she a threat to?”

Gonzo looked at Freddie and gave a quick nod, authorizing him to uncuff her.

Tori rubbed her wrists dramatically.

It was all he could do not to roll his eyes. He had that urge a lot when he was with her.

“Now what we have here, fellas, is a misunderstanding,” Teller said. “My client never met Rachel Fortier.”