Page 75 of State of Bliss

“Mom thought that was funny, right?”

“I can neither confirm nor deny,” Sam said.

“You did, and I’ll send it to you in a little while.” Scotty grinned as Skippy’s face came on the screen. “The Skipster says hello. She misses you.”

“We miss her, too,” Nick said. “And you guys.”

“You don’t miss us. You’re too busy kissing and other gross stuff.”

Sam shook with silent laughter.

“We do, too, miss you!” Nick said. “Where’re the twins?”

“They’re having a great time with Eli. I’ll get them. Come on, Skip.”

They watched Scotty leave his room and call for the twins, who came running down the stairs from the third floor.

Their cute little faces filled the screen.

“How’re our favorite six-year-olds?” Nick asked.

“We’re good,” Aubrey said. “We had ice cream with Celia upstairs. She said we can stay up an extra half hour because we did all our homework without help.”

“That sounds like a fair deal to me.”

“When are we coming there?” Alden asked.

“Right after school on Friday,” Sam said.

“Can we go to the beach?” he asked.

“We sure can,” Nick said. “It’s too cold to swim, though, but we can have a bonfire.”

“What’s a bonfire?” Alden asked.

“It’s a big fire on the beach,” Scotty said. “We can make s’mores.”

“Oh, I love them,” Alden said.

“I stink at toasting marshmallows,” Aubrey said.

“I’ll do it for you,” Scotty replied. “Don’t worry.”

“My heart,” Sam said.

“Knock it off,” Scotty said. “That’s what big brothers do for little sisters.”

“I repeat. My heart.”

“You’re the best big brother ever,” Nick said. “We’ll see you guys on Friday. We can’t wait.”

“Neither can we,” Aubrey said. “Lijah is coming, too!”

“Yes, he is.”

“Is he bringingher?” Alden asked.

Sam was taken aback by his tone. “You mean Candace? Yes, he is. She’s his wife now.”