Page 74 of State of Bliss

“I’ll never be too tired for sex with my love. Besides, you’ll only be a hundred and eight. A spring chicken next to me.”

She laughed helplessly at the picture he painted. “People will be paying us not to have sex at those ages.”

“They could give me all the money in the world, and I’d say ‘no, thank you’ if it meant I couldn’t make love with my wife anymore.”

“Charmer. Will you still have all your teeth?”

“Will you?”

“Where would they go?”

“I have no idea.”

She laced her fingers through his. “It’s fun to think about getting really, really old with you and driving the kids crazy with our shenanigans.”

“It’ll happen. I feel it in my bones. We’re going the distance. We’ll be married so long, people will feel sorry for us being stuck with the same person for that long.”

“I’m so happy to be stuck with you,” she said, smiling.

“Same, babe. Now how about we go outside and sit in the sun?”

“Let’s do it.”

Chapter Thirteen

After a relaxing day with few interruptions from either of their jobs, they got dressed for dinner out.

“Will this be a shit show?” Sam asked him as she ran a brush through hair she’d straightened for the occasion.

“Probably, but what do we care? It’s date night. That’s our only focus. The good news is that it’s quiet here this time of year, so there shouldn’t be gawkers.”

“‘Shouldn’t be’ are the key words there.”

He flashed a goofy smile. “We’ll hope for the best.”

“Let’s call the kids before we go.”

Nick used his iPhone to FaceTime with Scotty.

“Is it safe to look?” Scotty asked when he accepted the call.

“Of course it is,” Nick said. “What do you take us for?”

“You really want to know?”

Nick smiled at Sam. “No, I don’t think I do.”

“How’s the vacation?”

“Good. Relaxing. For the most part. Work keeps interfering.”

“That’s what you get for being the president.”

“So I’m told. How’s the social studies paper coming?”

“We don’t need to ruin a perfectly nice conversation with that topic.”

Sam bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud as Nick scowled at her.