Page 29 of State of Bliss

“Whose idea was that?” Cruz asked. “Yours or hers?”

He wiped away tears that streamed down his face. “Mine, but she agreed to it. It was fine for the first two years. I mean, I hung out with other women, but it was nothing special until I met Rachel. Everything about her was different from the start.” He looked crushed as he seemed to once again recall that she was dead. “She’s the sweetest, kindest person I’ve ever met.”

Gonzo sat across from him. “How much did you tell Tori about her?”

“Not much of anything.”

“You never mentioned Rachel to her by name?”

“Not specifically, no. I mean… She’s had a lot of struggles since we’ve been apart. She hasn’t made many friends at Georgia, so that’s been tough, and she said she didn’t date anyone else. I, uh, I think she tried to transfer up here, but she didn’t get in because her grades at Georgia haven’t been that good.”

“Would Tori have noticed you pulling away from her since you’ve been seeing Rachel?”

“I, uh, I don’t think so.”

Gonzo gave him a skeptical look. Of course she’d noticed. “Did you visit her in Georgia?”

“Not this year, but I’ve been there a couple of times the past two years.”

“Other than this week, did she visit you here?”

“A few times freshman and sophomore year, but only this once this year. I saw her when we were home at Christmas, too.”

“Where’s home?”

“Milwaukee area. We went to high school in Franklin.”

“Is there any chance that Tori could’ve harmed Rachel?” Gonzo asked.

He sat up straight, his face registering shock. “No! She didn’t even know about her!”

“And you’re sure of that?” Gonzo asked.

“I’m positive. I never mentioned Rachel’s name to Tori.”

“Is she in touch with any of your friends here?” Cruz asked.

“Not really.”

“If she checked your social media or Rachel’s or one of your friends, for example, would Tori have seen photos of you with her?” Cruz asked.

Gordon thought about that, seeming a bit stunned by the possibility. “I don’t think so. Rachel and I mostly hung out by ourselves and not in groups.”

“Did you ever socialize with others?” Cruz asked.

“I, uh, I don’t think—” After a few seconds passed, he said, “There was a party before Christmas break. My friend Jeff had everyone over. Rachel went with me.”

“Had Tori met Jeff before?”

“Maybe on one of the times she was here freshman or sophomore year? I’m not sure.”

“Were pictures from the party posted online?”

“I… I’m not sure. I don’t do much with social media. I have an old Facebook account, but I rarely check it.”

“What’s Jeff’s last name?”
