Page 28 of State of Bliss

“He said he did.” She put her head back on Nick’s shoulder. “Why do people have to do stuff like this? I mean, at what point do they go from being innocent little children to people who would falsely charge a man with rape and then disappear the woman he used to secure the conviction, as well as a bunch of other women? When does that happen?”

“It’s hard to say, but if you ask me, that’s in them from the start, and life brings it to the surface.”

“I suppose. I’m glad it’s not in me. What a dreadful way to live.”

He moved her head from his shoulder only long enough to put his arm around her. “I’m glad it’s not in you either. You have just the right amount of kindness, compassion and meanness to be good at your job and your life.”

“Had to toss the meanness in there, huh?”

“It’s what makes you you, my love.”

“Hardy har har.”

“Freddie lacks that edge, so he suffers that much more when others inflict harm.”

“You have us all figured out.”

“Am I wrong?”

“Not at all. Does it make me mean to admit that when I heard there were others, I was glad it wasn’t just me he came after?”

“I think that makes you human.”

“I feel terrible for everyone who ever tangled with him and lost.”

“A shrink would have a field day with a guy who had trouble getting along with people on and off the job—you have to assume he had the same issues off the job, including with women—turning out to be such a prolific criminal.”

“I need to talk to Dr. Trulo about that. I want to try to understand this.”

“You’ll never fully understand it. Tell me you know that.”

“I do, but I still want some insight into how this happens.”

“Can you let it go for the time being so you can enjoy your vacation?”

“Absolutely, but there’s apt to be more calls like that one.”

“I’m sure I’ll get a few calls, too.”

Sam laughed at the absurd understatement. “I’m sure you will.”

When Gonzoand Cruz walked into the interrogation room, Gordon Reilly was halfway lying on the table, his head on his arms as his shoulders shook with sobs. The face of the man who looked up at them when they entered was ravaged with grief.

“What happened to her? To Rachel?”

“We don’t know yet.”

Freddie turned on the recorder and noted the three people in the room.

“How can she be dead? I saw her in class on Monday. She was fine. What could’ve happened?”

“Did you speak to her when you saw her Monday?”

He shook his head. “She asked me to stay away from her until I resolved the situation with Tori. I’ve been trying to work that out, but…”

“Did Tori know you were seeing someone else?” Gonzo asked.

“Not specifically, but we agreed to see other people when we went to college.”