Page 170 of State of Bliss

“The congressman?”

“Yep. We’re meeting his attorney at HQ.”

“I see how it is. I’ll let Joe know that the congressman will be our guest.”

“Good idea.”

“See you when you get here.”

“Could you ask Faith to come in?”

“Will do.”

As he drove the rest of the way to HQ, Gonzo was certain they were missing something big. When they were stopped at a light, Cruz showed him his phone where he’d typed a message saying the same thing Gonzo was thinking.


What, though???

Gonzo shrugged. He had no idea and was no closer to understanding it than he’d been earlier. The Fortier case was solved, as far as he was concerned. He was able to tell her parents what had happened to her and why. But if Randy Bryant’s mother asked him why her son was dead, he wouldn’t be able to tell her.

Not yet, anyway.

When they arrived at HQ, Cruz escorted Bryant into an interrogation room to await his attorney’s arrival.

Gonzo went into Sam’s office to call Rosemary Bryant. She sounded sleepy when she picked up the phone.

“Ms. Bryant, this is Sergeant Gonzales with the MPD.”

“I hope you’re calling to tell me you made a big mistake arresting my son.”

“No, ma’am, that’s not why I’m calling. Your son was released from custody earlier today, and I’m sorry to have to tell you that he was later found murdered.”

“That’s not possible.”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but we’ve confirmed it’s him.”

“My son is asleep in his childhood bedroom as we speak. I’m looking at him right now. I picked him up at the airport two hours ago.”

Then who in the hell was in their morgue, and why did the congressman think his son was dead?

“Ma’am, we have Congressman Bryant in our custody. He’s under the impression that his son has been killed.”

“I’m sure he thinks that because he orchestrated it as it would mess up everything for him to have his son charged with murder. I’ve learned to be one step ahead of him and ensured my son was picked up by someone I trust when he left police custody. At my instruction, he dropped Randy at Reagan National Airport for the flight home. I’m not sure who’s been killed, but it’s not my son.”

Gonzo felt like his head might explode.What the hell?“Thank you for that information, ma’am, and I’m sorry for the confusion. I’m glad to hear your son is all right.” If for no other reason than it made him available to testify against Tori.

“Whatever’s going on, Sergeant, I promise you my ex-husband is smack in the middle of it.”

“That’s good to know.”

“There is nothing that man won’t do to gain and keep power, even kill someone else to make it appear his own son was dead.”

A chill went down Gonzo’s spine at the thought of doing such a thing. Where would they have found someone with Randy’s general build and hair color, wearing the same sneakers Randy had on when he was released from custody?

“Thank you for the information, ma’am. Please keep your son there until you hear from me.”

“Don’t worry. He’s not going anywhere.”