Page 169 of State of Bliss

The security guards brought up the rear and stood outside the door after Bryant closed it, sealing them off from the noise.

“Who are all the people?”

“Friends, colleagues, supporters. They came when they heard about Randy.”

“How did you hear about Randy?” Gonzo asked.

“A friend called.”

“How did he or she hear?”

“I’m not sure.” He ran a trembling hand through what was left of his hair. “I still can’t believe it. My son…”

“Here’s the thing, Mr. Bryant.” Gonzo deliberately refused to call him Congressman. “Randy’s body was found less than an hour ago, so how did you or anyone know Randy was dead?”

“I’m… I’m not sure how they knew.”

“You didn’t ask wheretheyheard the news?”

“All I heard was that my son was dead. After that…” His eyes filled, and he looked away. “I’m sorry. I’m in shock.”

“U.S. Attorney Forrester ordered your son released from MPD custody earlier. Do you know why?”

“I have no idea. I had only learned that Randy was in custody when I heard he’d been released. I figured it was some sort of mistake.”

“What’s your relationship with Forrester?”

“I don’t know him.”

“If we learn otherwise later, we can charge you with obstructing a homicide investigation. So I’ll ask you again, what’s your relationship with Forrester?”

“I, uh… I’d like to consult with my attorney.”

“Then you’ll have to come downtown with us to wait for him.”

“Is that really necessary?”

Gonzo stared at him without blinking. “It really is.”

“I’ll need to tell the others I’m leaving.”

“I assume your guards can take care of that for you. And why does a congressman from Wisconsin require private security anyway?”

“I need to consult with my attorney.”

“Let’s go,” Gonzo said, resigned to a long night.

Malone calledwhen they were on the way to HQ with Congressman Bryant in the back seat. His security detail was following in a separate vehicle since Gonzo had refused to allow them to ride in his car.

Gonzo took the call from Malone off the Bluetooth so they wouldn’t be overheard.

“No sign of Forrester or his family at the Gaithersburg house.”

“He doesn’t have security?” Gonzo asked.

“Apparently not. I’m trying to track down his personal assistant to see what he can tell me. I’ve also got a call into the FBI and the U.S. Marshals.”

“We’re on the way in with Bryant’s father.”