“Nope,” I shrug, “All the appliances, including that TV, came with the place. Not that I would take any of it with me even if it were mine. It’s your brother’s house, after all!”

Bella takes a deep sigh and jumps up from the couch and into a standing position. “The big move, huh? How does it feel to be making it official?”

I start to walk towards my bedroom. The apartment is so tiny it takes me only five steps. There, some clothes are already folded over the mattress, which is bare and clean of all bed sheets, duvets, and pillows, ready to go back to the landlord.

“It was already official, Bella!” I say in jest. “We just want to make it… More official now.”

“Um…” Bella drops the plastic bags, taking one from the pile right after and starting to shove clothes inside of it. “Is there any reason why you both decided to move in together now?”

“Yes, Bella.” I open up one of the folded boxes so I can use it to store the stuff on my computer desk. I surprise myself by just coming out with it: “We decided it was time and we were both ready for this next step, but also, the fact that I’m pregnant helped move that decision along.”

I feel an odd sense of relief as I come out with it.

She cackles out loud, but I keep my expression serious until she quiets down and realizes I’m telling the truth.

“Oh my God!” she exclaims. “My brother got you pregnant!”

She clears a spot in bed for herself and sits down, trying to calm down her nerves — I know exactly how she’s feeling, and even though she’s collected on the outside, she’s quickly turning into a mess on the inside.

“I was on the pill, but even that is not 100% effective…” I try to justify myself. “I’m sorry Bella…”

“Please, woman, don’t be sorry for bringing a life into the world!” Bella gestures widely, still a bit hysteric, but making progress in calming down. “I get another niece or nephew! And from my best friend!”

Finally, she stands up and comes to hug me, kissing me tenderly on the cheek and rocking me tight from side to side.

“Congratulations, Liv,” she says, her voice shaking a little. “Please let me know how I can help.”

I laugh and tap her hands, so she lets me go. “Bella, you don’t need to do anything. Just keep on being my friend.”

“But I want to help…!” she cries out, pouting.

“Learn how to change a diaper, then!” I turned around just to see her wincing in horror.

“How about I provide you moral support?” she offers in replacement.

I just snort.

We go back to packing, but not a minute goes by and then Bella brings up something I had been hoping to avoid.

“Do your parents know?”

“No…!” I turn to her yet again, my eyes wide and a finger over my lips. “And we better keep it that way for now!”

“Why?” Bella asks, looking confused. “You’re not a teenager to be hiding this from your parents! You are in a steady relationship with my amazing brother. Look at you—You are moving in with him as we speak!”

“Yeah, but Alex and I aren’t married!” I say as if that’s an excuse.

“Liv…” Bella closes one bag and goes on to the next one. “You’re a grown woman with a good job and an amazing relationship like I said. I mean, wouldn’t your parents be excited to be expecting their very first grandchild?”

“Not this early, and not out of wedlock, Bella…” Now I’m blushing, attempting to bury my head in the ground like an ostrich.

“Oh, come on…” she pleads. “You can’t hide from them forever!”

“I know, Bella, but—”

“I’ll do it with you!” she says, enthused. “Go grab your phone and sit down here with me. We’ll call them and get it over with!”

I look at Bella for a long time, and she waits there, looking like she’s about to explode any minute with all the energy she’s radiating. Finally, I just sigh, roll my eyes, and go grab my phone, hearing Bella squeal with delight at every step I take.