“Everything is going to be alright, Liv…” I whisper into her ear while caressing her hair. “I will take care of you.”

I incentivize her to move along, as there are a pair of women who certainly want their turn with the clerk as well. Liv raises her face from me, and when she does that, she’s crying.

“Why are you crying?” I ask with nervous laughter.

“I’ll be a terrible mother!” She seems in shambles, and I need to do something about it.

“No, you won’t be!” I squeeze her sideways and kiss her cheek. “You are great with Harlan! I have no doubt that you’ll be an incredible mother!”

We walk towards the laboratory doors, which lead to a shopping mall; right in front there’s a clothing store.

I turn to see Harlan walking behind us, not only pouting, but with his cheeks puffed, and arms crossed in a display showing that he doesn’t like this news at all.

“Dad?” he says angrily when he notices I’m looking at him.

“Yes, Harlan?” I’m amused to say the least.

“I don’t want a baby brother or sister!” he says, stomping his foot on the ground. “All my friends at school say they’re yucky!”

I walk us out of the laboratory’s doors and kneel down in front of my son to better talk to him. “Harlan, baby siblings are not something you choose, they just happen!”

“Plus, in a few years, you will have a best friend forever!” Liv says sweetly, wiping her eyes.

“Where in the mall do you want to have breakfast so I can make it up to you?” I offer, nudging him with my elbow.

“Can we have chicken waffles?” Harlan asks, eyes twinkling.

I look over my shoulder toward Liv. “Think you can handle it?”

She punches the air, trying to be positive. “Bring it on! Apparently, I’m eating for two now anyway!”

Chapter Thirty-Three


ChristmasandNewYeargo by, and I didn’t go home to see my parents. I said it was because of work, but the truth is I am still not ready to tell them I’m pregnant.

It’s been a whirlwind of emotions since I found out I am pregnant, and Alex is being very supportive and not rushing me. He has kept my pregnancy a secret like I asked of him, but I know sooner or later I will have to say something. I will start showing soon.

I’m not as afraid anymore and am looking forward to this next adventure of being a mom, but I’m still determined to take things a day at a time with Alex. I love him, yes, but I don’t want to rush into marriage just because I’m pregnant now. However, it’s a big moment for us now, as I am moving in with Alex and Harlan.

I haven’t told Bella I’m pregnant either. She’s stopping by to help me pack my things for the big move in just a few minutes.

I watch through the window as Bella arrives with a bunch of folded cardboard boxes and plastic bags.

I gave her a copy of the key after we made up.

She walks through the door in a grandiose manner, keeping it open for a while, until I look up at her.

“Ready to pack?” she says with drama.

I laugh at the sight and go take some of boxes from her arms. “I get the feeling you do this all too often. You seem like a pro.”

“Well…” She walks in and plops down on the couch, dropping the rest of the boxes and bags on the floor. “I’ve had three stupid roommates since you left. None of them could last longer than a few weeks, and they all made me help with the packing.”

I take two rolls of tape from the cabinet drawer, and sigh, looking at my friend. “Let’s start with the bedroom, then do the bathroom then the kitchen. Nothing here in the living room is mine.”

“Not even the TV?” Bella asks, raising a thumb toward the device.