“To find out if I’m sick or not!” Liv answers simply. If in fact she’s pregnant, we’ll leave the complicated talk for later.

“And what do you think you have, Miss Liv?” the kid is a machine gun of questions.

“Well…” I say, bringing a finger to my lips as I think of what to say, but she quiets me down, gesturing for me to let her answer.

“I’m feeling nausea… And barfing… And having trouble holding food!”

“Mostly in the mornings,” I can’t help but participate.

“Oh, you have a stomach bug!” Harlan says with seriousness. “I had a stomach bug last year and got out of school for three days!”

He holds up three fingers, and she laughs.

Fortunately, when we arrive at the clinic, they promptly attend to us. A nurse calls Liv's name, but Liv requests to go in alone. When she returns, she's carrying a small collection cup and heads to the restroom.

"What's Miss Liv doing, dad?" Harlan inquires, studying my face.

"She's providing a urine sample in that cup they handed her, and from that, the doctors will figure out what's causing her symptoms," I explain.

"Why didn't I have to do that when I had a stomach bug?" Harlan curiously asks, posing thoughtful questions as usual.

“Oh, Harlan!” I roll my eyes and then shell a hand around my mouth and whisper, “Because what she has might not be a stomach bug!”

His little mouth goes ajar. “Then what it is?”

“You’ll see,” and I wink at him.

Liv returns not long after, only to be bombarded with questions by Harlan again, “Did you go to the bathroom, Miss Liv?”

She cackles. “Yes, I did, Harlan!”

“And what did the doctor say?”

“Harlan!” I pull him close to me and try to shut his mouth.

“No worries, Alex!” she keeps on laughing, “I gave it to a lady on the other side of that door so she can get my results. We’re just waiting now.”

“And how do they do that?” Harlan asks, deadpan.

I’m speechless and Liv is scarcely able to control her laughter.

Liv barely has the time to sit by my side, when the nurse calls, “Montgomery?” and she jumps back to standing.

This time, she doesn’t want to be alone. She pulls me along by the hand, and Harlan comes in tow, skipping his steps as we get there.

The clerk hands Liv the results discreetly in an envelope and says, “If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to discuss them with your healthcare provider.”

Without waiting, Liv immediately takes out the results. She reads it, her face immediately turning white, and I think I know the results.

“Are you going to be a mommy?” I ask it without thinking.

Harlan whips his head towards me, “What do you mean? Why did you call her ‘mommy’?”

I squeeze Liv’s hand, which is now ice cold, and ruffle Harlan’s hair at the same time.

“It means you’ll be getting a baby sister or baby brother, Harlan!” I say, as tenderly as I can manage.

“Oh, God. Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!” Liv buries her face into my chest, still repeating the same words.