I smile. “Great. She’s taken me under her wing. I feel more confident traversing this world, but I’m still overwhelmed. Becoming an omega has been something of a nightmare.”

“I don’t doubt it. Why didn’t you ever go to an omega center and volunteer to go into one of their accommodations or schools?”

“My sisters.” I explain softly. “I couldn’t leave them, not after Trinity left us the way she did.” I take a breath and hold it while I struggle with the memories of the past. Of everything that happened and all I had to give up. All the fear, the shame, the confusion, and the desperation that grew and grew until I found Pack Raptore.

“Everything has changed. It’s all different now. When I was studying to be a teacher, I presented, luckily in the car park on the way home.” I peek at him. “I told you I was a late bloomer. It would appear that being an omega and a teacher is going to be difficult. Especially without a pack. Impossible is the actual answer my instructor gave me. So, I changed my course to focus more on getting money, and its just…I couldn’t do it. I lost my part-time job, the school got wind of a near miss I had with an alpha on site and asked me to leave until my situation becomes situated.”

“That sounds awful and illegal.”

I grimace and shake my head. “It was awful. And I got desperate and ended up blackmailing a pack into signing a contract with me. Yay, me! Maybe not a moment for the highlight reel.”

Seb leans in. He glances around the room. “Would it be awful if I admitted that right now, at this moment, I’m really not upset about it at all?”

I close my eyes. When I open them, he’s so close to me that only a tiny movement on my part would bring our lips into contact.

“Sebastian,” I murmur.

He leans in on an inhale, and then on the exhale, he’s pulling back, retreating.

Disappointment crushes me. My body throbs with want, with need, but I force myself to ignore it.

I take another bite of pizza and chew slowly. “Seems like being an unmated omega is as effective a cage as this apartment.”

Seb sits back. I know he wants to say something to make me feel better, but he can’t seem to think of anything.

“Why can’t you use the suppressants?”

“Oh, well, not only are they incredibly expensive, but according to the doctor I saw, they are almost ineffective. He won’t prescribe them for me anymore. I’m twenty-five, Seb. I presented at twenty-four, it's almost unheard of. The doctor thinks my lack of interest in sex and dating, and the malnourishment of my shitty diet, stunted the process. Physical and emotional suppression of my designation. I stopped seeing him when he got too pushy about some drugs he wanted me to try and some,” I do air quotes, “overnight tests.”

“Shit.” Seb frowns slightly. “What was his name?” He asks casually.

“Yup.” I take a bite of pizza and watch him with a knowing eye. “Doctor John Peters.”

“Peters,” Seb repeats. “I might pay this doctor a visit. I’ve been feeling poorly.”

“You do that.” I agree and salute him with my beer.

Lukas stalks into the lounge, his feet bare. I don’t know why that causes me to suck in my breath, but it just feels so real, so homely. It’s fucking hot.

I lick my lips and force myself to look away. I’m sure these alphas can read my mind, and I don’t want them to get a blow by blow graphic commentary of the R-rated thoughts that keep flashing in and out of my mind.

He grabs a box of pizza and sits down cross-legged next to me.

“Fuck, I’m hungry.”

“I’m sure.” Seb says, with a look at me. “Is Darion coming out?”

Lukas sucks the sauce off his index finger. “He’s a little tied up right now.”

Seb growls, stands up, and stalks into the bedroom.

“Seb being nice?”

I nod and hope the red isn’t showing on my face. I’m going to hell.

“He always has been.” He pauses. “Are you going to look at me?”

“Nooo.” I shake my head emphatically.