He laughs and leans in close. I can feel his hot breath on my ear. When his lip grazes my earlobe, I let out a shuddering breath.
Fuck this.
I turn towards him, refusing to cower. “What are you doing, friend?” I use my most chirpy tone, full girl fun times, with wide eyes and a little pout.
Lukas smiles, absolutely unapologetic, and I see a man who will lead me into darkness and fun with a smile on his face.
“Making you see me.”
That comment strikes me as odd, raw, and makes me hesitate with this teasing game we’re playing.
“I see you,” I say honestly
“Really?” His smile widens, a malicious rage pours off him. I’m not sure he even feels the tension and dangerous vibe in the air. He leans in closer.
“Why are you so angry?” I ask in confusion.
He jerks away from me and purses his lips. For a moment, I see the real him, fury and rage contained, hiding something deeper, darker, and then it’s gone with a smile, and his mask returns.
“Tricky kitten,” he murmurs and then sits back and resumes eating his pizza.
Sebastian and Darion reappear, but both are tense. I know with no doubt that they’ve been fighting over me. And that’s my cue.
I stand up and smile at them, ignoring Lukas’ smirk and Darion’s glare.
“Thank you for dinner. I’m feeling tired. I’m going to go to bed early.”
“You don’t have to go,” Seb says with anger that he directs at Darion.
“I really do,” I say back, glancing at Lukas and then Darion. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Missy.” Lukas purrs and licks more sauce from the side of his hand. I huff and turn away from the food porn.
I walk to my room feeling three stares on my back the whole time, and even closing the bedroom door doesn’t give me any relief.
I pull out my phone, hoping to see a text from one of my family members, someone missing me. I groan and sit, staring at the empty inbox.
The phone falls from my fingers as my head drops into my hands. Do they blame me? Are they angry? Are they happy? Do they miss me?
I shake my head and lay on the bed. It’s my fault. I close my eyes and try not to remember how it all went down, but as always, it returns each decision, each choice, every step into downfall, came from one horrible moment.
The moment I perfumed. The moment I became something my family didn’t recognise. When I become other. Different. New. Wrong.
My chest aches, and I rub my sternum, but it does nothing to ease the pain. I lay on the bed long after the sounds from the lounge room vanish and the house goes silent. Then I stand up and pad barefoot out of my room.
I make my way up to the rooftop, feeling the pressure and tension leave me as soon as I’m up here. I move to the railing and stare at the city.
“What are you doing up here?”
I let out a tiny shriek and turn. Darion approaches slowly. I want to back away, but I force myself to remain still as he steps right into my space.
“You’ve turned our lives upside down.” He rasps.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologising!” He snarls. “You’ve turned me into someone I don’t recognise.” His voice raises the hair on the back of my neck.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper again, this time feeling genuine remorse. “I didn’t mean to.”