“Can I ask you something?” I say and wait until I have his undivided attention.
“How did you meet Lukas and Darion?”
“Ah, that’s a bit of a long story.” He adjusts himself on the couch, getting more comfortable. “I grew up poor. Like, not-enough-food-in-the-cupboards poor. My dad used to drink a lot, like, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So, when I say I didn’t have much, I mean it. Darion and Lukas were in similar situations. But we, all three of us, were in some trouble together. We helped each other out and just stayed with each other.”
“And built all this?”
“Yeah, well. That’s all Darion. He was determined that we don’t end up stuck in our lane. Darion wanted better for us, not to be struggling like our parents, addicted to drugs or crime. He has dreams, and when he talks about them, you can almost see them. He’s a good guy, he just sucks when he feels out of control, and, Missy, you are one of the least controllable situations we have ever experienced, so he’s not at his best.”
“Is that a bad thing?” I don’t know why his answer matters so much, but I hang on the edge of my seat, waiting.
“No, it’s a good thing. It’s what we need.” Seb says honestly. “But I know he comes across in a very negative light. But that’s just him. He’s in control all the time. He has plans for his plans.” Seb leans back on the couch and frowns a little. “So, tell me something about you.”
I squint at him. “Like what?”
“What’s with the stairs?” he studies me intently while I duck my head and wince.
“I enjoy being high.” His face shutters, and it takes me a moment. “Oh, no! Not like that. I enjoy being in high places. It makes me feel safe. Trees. Buildings. The roof. Attics.” I look around and point at the corner near the glass wall. “If I could, I’d have a net across the top there. I’d be in heaven.”
Seb frowns. “Being high feels safe?” He shrugs. “I can work with that.”
I wipe my palms on my jeans, wondering what the hell he means but not wanting to get off topic. “Yeah. I’ve got wonderful balance, and I always land on my feet. I’m like a cat. But people don’t look up. I can be part of the world from up there.”
Seb’s phone chimes. He picks it up and stands up. “Be right back.”
My eyes find the couch Darion and Lukas had been on. My response to their intimate moment took me by surprise. I think it took all of us by surprise. The heat in Darion’s eyes, the affection, the love, and the way their bodies had moved in unison against each other. The sound of his damn groan. I want to make him make that sound.
I put my head in my hands. I’m not even off the drugs and I’m already feeling insane. How bad is this going to get?
Seb returns, and I sit up as he puts five pizza boxes on the coffee table in front of me.
“Help yourself.”
I wait for him to open a box and take a piece. He stands up and comes back with two beers.
“Want one?”
“Fuck yes.”
He chuckles.
“All right, I’m going to ask it. You probably won’t answer me, but I won’t know unless I ask. What is this top secret project you guys have going on?”
Seb smiles. “I can tell you that. As of today, we are officially a business that provides services to the rich. We’ve made it into those uber rich circles where a single job can support the business for months. You’re looking at Raptore Security, providing all your bodyguard and transport needs.”
I blink. “You’ve built a business and got clients? Aside from the loan shark business?”
“Yes, it’s taken a few years, but we did it.”
I nod, but I’m confused. “Why was it so secret?”
“Our families. The people who owe money to us or have a bone to grind. Misery hates to see people succeed.” Seb says, then he sighs. “I can’t tell you the real reason. It’s a job we’re still working on.”
I snort. “I don’t need to know all your secrets.”
We eat silently for a few minutes before he turns to me again. “How’s your sessions with Oma? She’s intense, but she’s the most wonderful person I’ve ever met.”