“This is stupid.”

“Agreed.” Lukas yawns like he’s bored out of his brain. “Wake me when we’re leaving.”

I elbow him. “Can’t you stop him?”

“Oh, no, this is Trin. The Trin, the girl he’s told us stories of for a million years, and I’m so sick of hearing them. Trin is perfect. The perfect woman. Everything’s better with her.”

His words are arrows into my soul, piercing me with pain I didn’t know I could feel.

I’m still missing something, but I’m getting a sick feeling I know what it is. The dark scent tickles my nose, and I realise it’s Lukas. He smells like night and carnivals. I watch him out of the corner of my eye.

“Stop staring at me.”

“I’m not.”

“You are. Just ask me.”

I huff. “Fine.” I frantically try to think of a question that doesn’t have anything to do with Trin and Darion. “Do you have more tattoos?”

One eye opens, and he turns his head towards me really slowly. “Would you like to see?”

I lick my lips. Gods, do I want to say yes. Curiousity has always been a bit of an issue with me, and the beautiful swirls of colour on his skin disappear beneath his clothes, and fuck, yes, I want to see. And I want a distraction from the pain I’m inflicting on people, from the lies I’m telling, from the stress of trying to keep my family fed.

“Let's go,” Darion says and grabs me by the wrist, pulling me after him.

“Can you stop dragging me around?” I snap at him.

He doesn’t answer me.

I get this sick feeling in my stomach as I watch the tension in his face.

He barely sticks to the speed limit on the way back, and when I reluctantly direct him, he pulls up three houses away from ours and sits there staring at it.

Is he nervous?

I look between him and the house.

Obviously, the answer is that Darion is in love with my sister. I feel sorry for him, but a horrible voice inside me rises up. Use it. Use it to save them.

I want to ignore it, but I know I won’t.

I’ll do whatever I can to save my family.



It’s almost painful to watch the way Darion floats towards the house. I know how much this means to him, how much Trinity’s disappearance ate at him. He’s nervous, hell, I’m nervous for him, but I’m more concerned with the tiny little omega beside me.

She’s almost vibrating with tension, bouncing up on her tiptoes before sinking back and muttering to herself. I ease closer to her, ready to grab her if she bolts. Darion needs this, it’s closure for him. I won’t let her screw that up.

“Are you worried he’ll hurt her?” I ask softly.

She bites her lower lip viciously, and it takes everything in me to not reach out to stop her. Seeing her last night approach us, it was like all my damn wet dreams playing out in real life. We’ve noticed her, I’ve noticed her. Her scent, raspberries and vanilla, has haunted my sleep for well over a year.

But she’s not for us. Not for me. And that’s what I told myself right up until she threw that proposition in our faces.

“Not exactly.” She pauses. “Kinda. I mean, she’s going to freak out. It won’t be good.”