I glance at her sharply. “I don’t understand.”

She wrings her hands and then gives me a quick look before she bolts, trotting as quick as she can towards the house. I’m after her in a second, grabbing the back of her shirt before she can approach the front lawn, if you can call it lawn. A few weeds and dirt would be a more apt description.

“Let go, I have to…” her words trail off as the front door opens. An older lady with a haggard face stares at Darion blankly. He speaks, but I can’t hear the words. The woman disappears, and a moment later, Trin is bolting down the street. Running. Fleeing like the hounds of hell are after her.

“What the…” I stare after the strange girl in shock.

Missy rips free of me and chases after her sister. I catch Darion before he can follow.

“Slow, let’s go slow. Let Missy do her thing and find out more information before we charge in.” I’m kicking myself because the omega tried to tell us. We should have listened.

He hates it, but he’s past words. I can see it, the brokenness that is my pack brother rising up, too close to the surface. Lukas joins us, gives us a quick look, and then nods in the direction the girls ran.

“I’ll go keep an eye on them.”

I nod and stroke a hand down Darion’s back. “Breathe, bro. Breathe.”

He shudders and throws his head back, squeezing his eyes closed. “I need to know.”

“Yeah, I know, but something’s up, something more than what we thought, so let’s go slow.”

He nods, and I loosen my grip on him so we can start walking. The sun is beating down. It’s hot, the asphalt almost feels like it’s melting. The cracks are enormous. I hate them. It reminds me of home, growing up poor, walking the cracks to stave off the hunger, the boredom, the pain.

Ahead of me, I see Lukas crouched with his head cocked. I look ahead and see Missy wrapped around a tall, dark-haired woman. Her eyes are wide with terror and her face is pale, her whole body is shaking.

“Trin, it’s okay. They won’t hurt you. I promise.”

“No, alphas are bad.” The woman says in shuddering gasps. “They are bad. Have to run, have to get away.”

“No, you don’t. You trust me, right? You believe me?”

Trin hesitates and then nods.

“These are my alphas. Safe alphas.” Missy says suddenly, and the world kind of shifts sharply under my feet.

Why did that feel so right? No, this is not good.

“You remember Darion, right? From before?”

“Before?” Trin asks, but it’s obvious she’s not really present.

Lukas stands up slowly, and Trinity flinches violently. What the fuck happened to her? Whatever it was, it was bad. Really bad. I exchange a dark look with Lukas. We have seen this before. I cast a quick look at Darion, and he looks more like the boy I remember than the man I know. The one who was lost, the broken boy who found his home with us. I reach out and clench my hand around his wrist.

“Trin?” he whispers.

Trin shudders. “I have to go.”

“Home.” Missy says sharply. “You have to go home. You wait for me there. Straight home.”

Trin looks like she might protest, but then her head dips down to her chin, and the fight goes out of her. “Home.”

I drag Darion across the road so they can pass and then urge him back to the car. He leans against it and sinks down to his haunches.

“What the fuck? What the actual fuck?”

Missy comes out a few minutes later and stands in front of him. “I told you not to come here. This is why I need you. I need to help her. She was taken the night she went to meet you, and she came back two months ago. I need your help. If she hadn’t been out there…”

I hate the anger in her voice. I want to lash out at her, but she’s right. She tried to stop us.