"I'm good. Do you know where Addy is? I looked for her earlier but didn't see her."
"She's out at Henry's today. Everleigh has another colt being born and Addy wanted to see it."
"That's fantastic. I'm heading out there to see it myself."
The HOG was empty today. It made her feel rather sad. She'd hoped to come in and see everyone, but she hadn't called.
Exiting the HOG she jumped in her Jeep, backed from her parking spot and drove down the road. She passed the farm fields and homes that dotted the area she'd fallen in love with after living here for a couple of years.
She turned right and drove to Henry and Everleigh's farm. As she pulled into the driveway, she saw all of their vehicles. Myles, Spencer, Addy, and Lara's SUV was there and so was Kenna's. She hopped down from her Jeep and strode into the barn. Addy turned to see her first and ran over to hug her. "I'm so happy to see you."
She squeezed her cousin, fresh back from her honeymoon. "I'm happy to see you too."
Addy grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the stall they all stood around. Myles reached over and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "Hey, sis. How are you?"
"I'm good."
It was dark in the barn, and her eyes took a moment to adjust. Spencer and Kenna stood at one end of the stall, eagerly watching the colt soon to be born. Everleigh and Henry were in the stall with the horse. Henry made a good farmer. Everleigh did too. She'd done a tremendous job with these horses.
Henry glanced at her and stood. He reached over the stall and hugged her. "Hey there. You good?"
"I am. How about you?"
He beamed. "We're good. This is number four for us."
"That's fantastic, Henry."
Everleigh turned to see her and waved. She knelt by the mare's head and offered words of support.
Spencer looked down the rail line and waved, so did Kenna.
Lara entered the barn, with another person and as soon as Maya heard her voice she knew it was Lara's best friend, Shianne. Shianne was a nice gal, owned her own clothing boutique and made it a go even in such a small town. She'd mastered the online sales game and that's where most of her money came from. But, that girl could talk your ear off.
Lara waved at her and hugged her. "Hey. How are you? I just spoke to Tate." She whispered.
Maya whispered back, "I'm good. I haven't said anything yet."
Shianne waved. "Hi, Maya. Nice to see you."
"It's nice to see you too, Shianne."
Then, Maya's heart fluttered. Shianne looked at Myles, and her face turned pink. She softened her voice, "Hi, Myles."
Myles turned and smiled at Shianne. "Hey, there. How are you?"
Shianne moved to stand next to Myles and Maya had this funny feeling in her tummy that something was brewing there.
Movement in the stall captured her attention and Addy gasped. "Oh my god. Here it comes."
They stood in silence as the momma mare, pushed and grunted and pushed until her foal came tumbling out. Henry reached over and pulled the foal away.
"Ev, honey get ready for her to stand." He called out.
Everleigh stood and moved to the foal. She took a rag and wiped at its nose and mouth so it could breathe. The mare struggled slightly, her legs and hooves floundered around until she found footing and she stood. Her legs shook and she waited until she'd gained her strength, then she turned around and began licking her foal clean.