Henry pulled Everleigh to him and kissed her lips. "Congratulations, Ev. We have a boy."
They embraced as everyone clapped and cheered for Henry and Everleigh's new foal. Their farm had started making good money. These horses they'd adopted had been pedigreed and their foals made the farm nice sums.
Her friends then high-fived each other and Henry and Everleigh.
Everleigh wiped her hands on a clean rag. "Let's let mama take care of her baby in peace. I've got drinks in the house for everyone."
Lara added, "I have cookies."
As a group they walked and chatted and it felt like old times, with some great additions to their group. Inside the house, Everleigh went to the washroom and washed her hands. She stepped out and said, "Help yourselves in the kitchen, I'm going to change clothes."
Lara laid a box of cookies on the table and Maya reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a pitcher of lemonade. Kenna pulled glasses from the cupboard and they filled their glasses and ate cookies. It was a much lighter celebration than they'd all had in years past. But, it was perfect just the same. They were missing Aidyn and Tate, but they were always in contact.
Maya noticed Shianne standing close to Myles and he laughed and chatted with her. Addy moved close to her. "How are things in the hills, Maya?"
"Things are good. Jasiah is busy every day and we just hired a police officer to work up there, so we're moving forward."
"Really, who did you hire as a police officer?"
Maya grinned. "Me."
Everyone stopped talking and stared at her as if she'd sprouted another head.
Myles straightened his shoulders, "Say again."
Maya smiled at her brother. "I just came from talking to Tate. I won't be an operative with GHOST anymore, I'm going to work up in the hills as their police officer."
Myles' brows bunched. "Why?"
Maya took a deep breath. "Because in about seven months I'm having a baby and I want to be close to him or her after he or she is born. Jasiah's mom will take care of him while we both need to work, but I don't want to be out of town on a mission for long periods."
Myles stalked toward her, his eyes locked on hers. "I'm going to be an uncle?"
"Oh my god." He wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close. "Oh my god. That's so exciting."
He stepped back slightly, and Addy wrapped her in a warm embrace. "Congratulations, cousin. I'm so happy for you."
"Thank you, Addy."
Spencer and Kenna congratulated her with hugs, then Henry and Everleigh. Henry's cheeks turned pink when he cleared his throat. "I don't want to steal Maya's good news, but join in with it. Everleigh and I are going to be parents at about the same time. Maya, I hope our children will play together like you and I did as kids."
Maya hugged Henry tightly. "I hope so too, Henry."
Kenna laughed and Spencer nodded. "Us too. Six months."
They congratulated each other on their impending children and the only thing that could have made it better was Jasiah standing here with her. But, she'd share this moment with him.
Maya waited for a lull. "Since we all have so much to celebrate, I'd like to invite you all up to the hills and let's have a party to celebrate all of our babies, our good fortune, and our friendships."
Maya hopped from her Jeep, pulled the bags of goodies she’d picked up while in town and grinned all the way to the cabin. Opening the door she stepped inside to a blazing fire and her handsome husband sitting at the table with papers strewn out around him.
“Hi. What’s all this?” She motioned to the papers.
He smiled but stood and took the bags from her. “Applications for the line of businesses we’re building on the ledge. Mayor Winters calls it a strip mall. Our residents don’t like the sound of that, so I’m trying to come up with a better name for it.”
“Ahh. Yeah, it’s not really a strip mall. There will be, what? Four little shops?”