"Unless he somehow knew, but also thought he was outnumbered and would come back later."
Addy tucked her hair behind her ear. "I don't like that at all."
Maya mumbled. "I don't either."
Maya's phone rang. She tapped the button on her steering wheel. "Sager."
"Maya, it’s Myles. Spencer, Henry, and I are up in Hickory Hills. Tate said you saw the Malibu come up here."
"Addy and I are watching the road now. He went up the last road on County Road. I drove past and can't see the car anymore. Not sure if he's in his car or skulking around the woods."
"We're on it."
"Okay. Do you need us to do something?"
"No. The people up here said Jasiah is in town meeting with the mayor. Did it look like the car came from the city building?"
"No. He pulled out of..." She stopped. "Wait. He pulled out of Flynn's Gas Station. That's right next door to the city building."
"Hmm. That could be coincidence, or he could be watching Jasiah."
"I'll go to the station and ask if he got gas or was sitting there."
The call ended and she pulled her Jeep from Lara's parking lot and turned right toward Main Street. She pulled into Flynn's station. A quick glance into the parking lot of the city building showed Jasiah's truck parked near the front door of the mayor's office entrance. Something similar to a hot rock sat in the pit of her stomach. Jasiah might be in trouble.
She left her vehicle and walked into Flynn's station. "Hi there, Maya. How are you today?" Pat Flynn asked.
"I'm doing well, Pat. I just saw a white Malibu leave the station. Did it gas up or was someone sitting here?"
Pat tipped his baseball cap back and scratched the top of his balding head. He settled the cap back on. "Both. He put some gas in, then sat here for a time. He seemed to be watching the city building and doing something on his phone."
"Okay. About how long do you think he sat here?"
"I'd say about ten minutes. He pulled away from the pumps."
Her heart felt heavy. "Thanks, Pat. I appreciate it."
"You have a good day, Maya."
He waved to Addy sitting in the Jeep then went back to working on the vehicle he had up on a hoist.
Maya glanced at Jasiah's truck, then climbed into her Jeep and told Addy what she'd found out.
Addy stared across the street at Jasiah's truck and the front entrance of the mayor's office.
"It's good that he isn't sitting here ready to shoot him. He left for a reason. What do you think that reason might be?"
"That's a great question." Maya started her Jeep, then turned out of the station and moved across to the city building. "I have a date with Jasiah for lunch today. So, I'll stay here and wait for Jasiah if you can take my Jeep back to the HOG."
"You didn't tell me you had a lunch date. Sneaky."
Maya grinned. "Cautiously optimistic."
Addy giggled. "Looks like you won't have to wait long."
Maya saw Jasiah step from the city building. He looked up as she drove toward him. He smiled and waved and butterflies took flight in her belly.