She hung up the phone. "He said you can go on in." She pointed a red fingernail at a door to his left.
"Thank you."
He stepped to the door, knocked once then twisted the handle and pushed the door open.
Mayor Rayleigh Winters sat behind a desk, a smattering of papers in front of him. There was a small stack of files to his right, and a larger stack to his left.
He chuckled and Jasiah looked into his eyes. "I see you're eyeing my work. To the left of me is the work I have to do today. To the right of me, is the work I've already completed. It's a bit lopsided, don't you think?"
Jasiah nodded. "Yes, sir. Looks like you still have a fair amount of work to do."
Mayor Winters stood and reached out a hand. Jasiah shook his hand then took a seat as the mayor waved toward the two in front of his desk. "Please sit down, Jasiah."
"Thank you."
Mayor Winters sat and crossed his hands in front of him on the desk. "How's your father?"
Jasiah took a deep breath. "I'm not sure if you've been made aware, but he is dying. Pancreatic cancer. I'm not sure he'll see Christmas this year."
Mayor Winter nodded once. "I'm very sorry to hear that and I had not been made aware."
Jasiah cleared his throat. "I promised to bring you updates as to our community and that's my purpose here today. Last night I was installed as the interim president due to my father's condition. But, I set in motion a change for our community. On Thanksgiving Day, our people will vote on who they'd like as their president. Anyone interested in running against me has until today to let the council know of their intent."
Mayor Winters whistled low. "Are you sure you want to do that?"
"I am. It's only right and it brings us closer to mirroring the community here in Glen Hollow. I figure with our residents coming down here to work, it's only a matter of time before they begin noticing some of the freedoms the citizens down here have that they don't. I'd like to set that right."
Mayor Winter sat forward. His stare was so long and intense it made Jasiah want to squirm. But, he didn't. He wouldn't. "That's very brave of you Jasiah."
Jasiah shrugged. "It's what's right."
Mayor Winters swept a hand through his graying hair. "What will you do if you are not elected?"
"I'll be looking for a job I suspect."
Mayor Winters nodded. "You let me know if that comes to pass, you hear?"
"Yes sir."
They chatted about trivial things and Jasiah's eyes swept over the clock above the mayor's head. Finally feeling as though the small talk was over, Jasiah stood. He had a date and he couldn't wait.
Maya glanced at her cousin, Adelaide, in the passenger seat of her Jeep. Addy was excitedly preparing for her wedding to Rafe.
"So, I can't get married without you as my maid of honor Maya. Please say you will be my maid of honor."
She laughed out loud. "You asked me to be your maid of honor when you were ten years old. Do you remember that?"
"I do." Addy laughed. "I meant it then, but thought maybe you forgot."
Maya glanced at her cousin. "I didn't forget. You'll be my maid of honor if I ever get married, right?"
Maya's brows furrowed. "Nope? What in the hell does that mean?"
Addy laughed. "You should see your face." She turned in her seat so she faced Maya. "I'll be your matron of honor. Since I'll be married before you get married, I'll be an old married woman. That makes me a matron of honor."