Page 27 of Shielding Maya


Jasiah washed up using the water from his new kitchen faucet and wondered about adding a bathroom to his cabin. He had the room up here. The water was already brought into the house. He could surely add a shower and toilet. A couple of the residents up here had added showers and toilets to their cabins, and it was the talk of the town. The first day, there was a line outside of one house because everyone wanted the chance to see it work. It was pure joy watching his community clap when they saw the first toilet flush. That's only a small part of what he and his father had brought up here to the community of Hickory Hills.

He dressed, combed his hair and inhaled deeply as the excitement of seeing Maya again coursed through him. But, first, his meeting with the mayor. Snagging his deer skin jacket from the wooden hook near the door, Jasiah stepped into the fresh air he'd grown up with. He stopped a moment, turned toward the east, where he'd watched the sunrise an hour ago and he thought about his day. And, his life.

If his people didn't want him to be president, it would certainly hurt his feelings. He'd been good to each of these residents up here his entire life. He worked hard, just as hard as they did. But there were remnants of Craig still threaded into this community and only time would tell. There were still some who didn't like flushing toilets and vehicles sitting along the edge of Hickory Hills.

As he strode to his vehicle, the old pickup truck his father and he had worked on over the years, he waved to those outside working.

He stopped near the garden area, where three women were harvesting squash and pumpkins today.

"Good morning, Jasiah." Elsie waved.

"Good morning, Elsie, April, and Elenor. How are you this morning?"

Elsie responded first. "We're wonderful and so excited to be able to vote next week. Thank you for allowing this."

The genuine smile that parted his lips felt good. "It's really the only way. We all have a say in our lives now. It's freeing."

April nodded. "It is freeing. We've been excited all night."

"How do things look for our Thanksgiving feast up here?"

April stopped picking squash. She held up a beautiful butternut squash. "Plentiful. We'll have all the usuals. At last count, we'll have four squash dishes. The men have managed to hunt several turkeys. Elsie is baking loaves of bread. I'm making corn bread. And look at all those pumpkins. We'll have pies to go on for days!"

Her excitement made his heart fill with pride. "That's fantastic. I can't wait. I always eat far too much, but you're all such wonderful cooks, I just can't help myself."

"We need to keep you men fed. There's plenty of work for you to do."

He nodded. "That there is. I'm off to have a meeting with the mayor. I'll be around later today if anyone needs anything."

Elenor stepped forward. "I'm so sorry about your father, Jasiah. I know I'm not a full-fledged doctor, but is there anything I can do?"

He placed his hand on Elenor's shoulder. "I'm not sure to be honest with you. But, you should absolutely ask that of my mother."

"I will. Thank you."

He smiled at the sad woman. "It's going to be just fine, Elenor. I know you're feeling a bit displaced right now, but you are part of our community and we won't let you starve or go without. That's my promise to you."

Her eyes glistened and he squeezed once again. He lowered his voice. "I have to go, but I mean it when I say you should ask my mother. She's been in solitude for weeks now with dad's illness. A friend, a cup of tea, and nice conversation is likely the best medicine for her right now."

"Yes. Thank you. I've been avoiding her because I wasn't sure what I should be doing."

"Do what you've always done, Elenor. Take care of us."

She straightened her spine and stood a bit taller and Jasiah's spirits lifted once more as he strode toward the old pickup.

As he started it up, he took in a deep breath and set his sights on his date today with Maya. His heart fluttered at the thought of having time alone to talk to her. He wanted to know all about who Maya Sager was.

He parked his truck in front of the two-story brick building that served as both the police station and the mayor's office. He walked into the building with a fresh sense of who he was. Today, he felt like he could conquer the entire world.

The receptionist stood as he neared her desk.

"Good morning."

He smiled. "Good morning. Jasiah Weston here to see Mayor Winters."

"Oh, sure. Let me ring him." She tapped the phone a couple of times. Her red fingernails glistened and he noticed her lipstick matched her nails. Her dark hair was pulled back with a red headband, which matched her red and white checked shirt. He grinned. "Rayleigh, Jasiah Weston is here to see you."