"It did. They've asked me to step into the president's position as interim president so there's still a sense of leadership up here. In the event any of Craig's followers think they can create turmoil and distraction."
She smiled a bright, genuine smile. "I think that's a great decision. Your men must care for you very much." She turned her pretty head to and fro, checking out the area surrounding them. "After yesterday's event, I'll bet Craig's men are trying to figure out how to use that as an excuse. It's good you're in a leadership position to stop that."
He grinned at her. It came without thought. She was always thinking. "Yes, ma'am."
Maya's phone rang and she reached into her back pocket and pulled it out. Glancing at the name on the screen, she nodded to Jasiah, "I'm sorry, it's Tate, I'll need to take this."
He nodded. "No worries. I've got things to do, beginning with telling my parents of the council's decision."
He took a step back, turned on his heel and headed toward a cabin to their left. She watched him stroll toward his parents and her heart swelled with pride for him. Also, sadness. What this meant, everyone likely knew, including his father.
The little cabin had a cute little porch on the front of it, two rocking chairs made of logs graced the porch. A small table to match nestled between them. It would be the perfect place to sit and enjoy a sunset or an evening.
Maya took a deep breath and swiped the answer icon on the face of her phone as it rang once again. "Hey, Tate, what's up?"
"Maya, I just received ID on the car you saw yesterday. It's a white Chevy Malibu. 2012. It came from a rental place in Brookswood. I need you to run to Brookswood and see what you can find out about the person who rented it when you're finished up in Hickory Hills."
"Okay. I won't be much longer. One of the residents saw the senator stealing food from the gardens and I've been checking them. So far nothing but a partially eaten cob of corn."
"Okay. He had to have something that let his whereabouts be known."
"I agree. Myles is in the woods with some of the men up here. I'm checking the side of the road where one of the residents saw him walking. Once I've done that, I'll head to Brookswood."
"Roger that."
Pocketing her phone, she glanced once at the cabin Jasiah had disappeared into, then turned and trekked to the edge of the road April had mentioned. She began by striding slowly along the edge of the road, then stopped in her tracks when a young girl stepped from the woods near her.
"Hi. You startled me." Her heart beat rapidly at the scare.
The girl grinned. She was missing a front tooth. Her light hair was pulled back by a headband made of matching material to her dress. Her black stockings had leaves stuck to them in places and she carried a heavy woolen jacket or shirt.
"I didn't mean to."
"No, I'm sure you didn't."
The little girl stared for a few moments. "You're pretty."
Maya smiled. "Thank you. So are you."
The little girl shrugged. "What's your name?"
"Maya. What's yours?"
"Marni's a cute name. Where do you live?" Maya knelt down to look Marni in the eye.
Blue eyes stared back at her. Maya wasn't sure if she was scared or trying to decide how much to tell her.
"I live next to the Westons. President Weston and Ms. Liliana."
"Oh, that's nice. I was just admiring their front porch. How old are you?"
Marni stared into her eyes for a few moments more. Maya smiled. "I'm thirty-four."
Marni's eyes widened. "Wow. That's kind of old."