Page 13 of Shielding Maya

He took a step back, "If you've got this, I do have to check on a few things."

Two men approached Jasiah. They nodded as they saw her, but turned to Jasiah. "You're being summoned to a council meeting."

"Who called a council meeting?"

"The inner council. With Gerard unable to fulfill his duties, we think you need to step in right now as president. This is not a time for us to not have a clear leader."

"Okay." He swallowed the knot in his throat, nodded to Maya, sad to leave her there. "Duty calls. I hope you find what you need. If you need access to anything else, please let me know."

There it was, her smile again. "Thank you. I'll let you know."

She dropped back to the ground, and he regretfully turned to follow his comrades to the building they also used as a church. It was nestled across the common area from the gardens, and sat out on a ledge, overlooking the eastern side of the mountain. During church services, the sun rose and he felt the love of God so purely it felt as though his soul split itself into several parts. God got his part, the mountain got its part, and there was some left to make Jasiah the man he was. And, was likely to become. This Sunday during services, he was going to pray about his heart feeling different when Maya was around. That was something new.

He stepped into the church and saw the inner council sitting in the first two pews. He strode to the front of the church and nodded as he faced them.

"Good morning."

“Good morning,” was murmured back by all of them.

"Who wants to begin?" He grinned. He knew what they wanted, but he wanted to see who was stepping up as a possible vice president. Since he didn't have siblings and he didn't have cousins, and he didn't have a son, that position would step outside of the Weston family.

Reece Mansfield stood and nodded his head. "Morning, Jasiah. We were talking..." Reece motioned to the other men present. In all there were five of them.

"With Gerard's condition, we think it's important to have a strong leader. Craig's presence hasn't been completely erased and some of those who followed him are still running around up here. If they feel they can get away with things, they will."

"I agree with you, Reece." Jasiah looked toward the men. "All of you."

Reece exhaled. "We think you need to step up as president."

"My father is still alive. I don't think that's appropriate."

Cole Honeycutt, one of the men, stood. "How about interim president then?"

Jasiah grinned. "I can do interim president. I guess I've been doing that all along."

"We want to make it official tonight in the common area. Just have you stand up and say the council made a decision to have you named as acting president and you accepted."

He looked each man in the eye and saw them all waiting for him to say something. "I accept and agree."

A few loud breaths were expelled and Jasiah's heart constricted slightly. "Gentlemen, I get the feeling that there's still some lingering negative effects of Craig's leadership here. You all were worried about my reaction." He smoothed the back of his neck with his right hand. "I've never raised my voice, not once to any of you. Not in all my forty-two years. Why would you think that would change now?"

Cole swallowed. "It changed with Craig. He was certainly a much different man than you Jasiah. We all know that. He never let his feelings on anything go unknown. But, the second Everett Howard fell to the ground, Craig blasted his way into the president's position with more force than the dynamite he used on the base below. It's shaken us all a bit."

Jasiah stepped to Cole Honeycutt and wrapped a strong arm around Cole's shoulders. He squeezed him and softly replied. "I am not Craig Howard. Yes, he was my uncle. But I am nothing like that man. I won't raise my voice. I won't hit, punch, or hurt any one of you all. Understand? That's not me. I am not that kind of man."

Cole's head bent toward the ground. "I'm sorry."

Jasiah's stomach twisted. "Nope. Not one of you has a thing to be sorry for. I see the effects we're suffering up here. I'll do my best to remove that horrible stain on our history. That's my promise to you."

Reece Mansfield stepped toward Jasiah with his right hand held out. "Thank you, Jasiah." He gripped Jasiah's hand firmly and held tight for a few moments. Jasiah's heart swelled with pride.

He reached forward and shook each man's hand and gave the same promise. "I'll do my best. I promise."

After they'd all shook hands, he strode down the aisle toward the door with a sense of pride. He couldn't wait to tell Maya what just happened.

He saw her the second the door opened. She sauntered across the common area toward the first road. She wore combat boots, and black slacks with pockets down each leg. He'd heard them called, tactical pants. She was petite in frame and size, but she was big in personality and warmth. She stopped crossing the clearing when she saw him. Turning toward him, they each neared the other with each new step. The light breeze blew her bangs around her face, her ponytail swished with each step. Her face, oh, he could stare at her face all day. She was a beauty beyond others.

"Did your meeting go well?" She slid her thumbs in her front pockets, and he chuckled.