He swallowed. "You know, I've asked myself that many times. I had..." He winced. "Women. Interested in that with me. But, I wasn't interested in them, not enough to build a life with them."
She toyed with her napkin then stared into his eyes. "Zara?"
He nodded. "Yes. I dated Zara for a bit."
"Is that why Adam doesn't like you?"
"Yes. Mostly." He took a drink and the waitress appeared with their food. The smell of the burger was amazing and his stomach growled. Maya chuckled and dumped ketchup on her plate next to her French fries. "He's also a staunch follower of Craig's."
"Because you dated Zara or because he liked things the way they were?"
Jasiah shook his head. "I'm not sure. Of course we don't have conversations. When he and Zara married, it was soon after I'd broken up with her. She got pregnant right away and tried telling me the baby was mine. I knew it wasn't. I don't know what she and Adam discussed about the baby. I suspect she may have said she wasn't sure. He sure doesn't treat Marni very nicely. But, she's the spitting image of her father, and that man isn't me."
Maya took a bite of her burger and he couldn't stop watching her. In between bites, he said, "Favorite music?"
"Country and some rock. Yours?"
"Country all the way and some bluegrass." He took another bite and after swallowing it, asked, "Favorite color?"
"Purple. Maybe black. Not sure. How about you?"
He chuckled and dredged a fry through his ketchup. "Green. Favorite animal?"
She laughed. "German Shepard dogs. You?"
"Deer. They're sleek, quiet, and graceful."
Maya's phone chimed. "Sorry." She mumbled. Glancing at the readout, she looked out the nearest window, then her eyes locked on his.
"Jasiah, we're growing more and more concerned that the man who shot the senator is now following you."
"Why would he follow..." He stopped and stared at her. "Do you think he saw us?"
"I'm not sure, but Myles’ text said he just drove through the parking lot and the car was parked at the back. The man was inside and took off as Myles walked toward him. They're chasing him now. I saw the car drive up the last mountain road just before I stopped at the city building today. We had operatives up in Hickory Hills so I didn't say anything."
"Okay. So, he's likely following me. He wouldn't know you were here."
"Unless he saw us somehow, but I believe he's focused on you. I think you need to stay down here until we're able to stop him."
Jasiah shook his head. "I can't do that. I have to be up in Hickory Hills. If my people are in trouble with him skulking around, I need to be up there."
"No one else is in trouble, it's you he's focused on."
"You think."
"We're getting pretty damned sure now."
"Well, I appreciate that Maya, but I'm not staying down here."
Maya stared at Jasiah. "I do understand why you feel strongly about this Jasiah, but please think about it."
He set his mammoth burger, half eaten, onto his plate. He swiped the napkin across his bottom lip, which was tantalizing. "Maya, I do appreciate your concern. But, my parents are up there. My father is dying and my mom is alone. I can't leave them at a time like this. Plus, I've just set a vote into motion. If I go missing and leave my people at a time like this, when a killer is loose, it'll look like I'm the worst coward." He leaned forward. "Maya, honey, I am no coward."
She stared into his deep brown eyes. She could easily get lost in the depths of them. Of him. He was everything she'd ever want in a man. "But, you might bring..."