Page 32 of Shielding Maya

Jasiah placed his hand at the small of Maya's back as they followed the hostess to their table. He liked his hand there. She was warm and his fingers itched to touch her bare skin.

Holding her chair, she grinned as she sat.

"What's so funny?"

He sat across from her and watched her face for the emotions he knew she'd have there. She was filled with emotion when she spoke.

"I'm not used to being treated as a woman. And by that I mean, at work and home, I'm one of the guys. Addy too."

He nodded. "I suppose you are. I hadn't thought about that."

She chuckled and shrugged. "My mom always taught me to be that way. It pissed her off when the guys treated her like "the little woman". When she first met my dad, he held the door open for her and she told him to stop it. He told her his mom would box his ears if he wasn't a gentleman, no matter how tough the woman was. And, to be honest, I think that was something she liked in the beginning, but, she fell in love with him because he refused to be anyone other than who he was and so did she."

"Your parents sound like interesting people."

Her smile was magnetic. "They are. They're coming for a visit soon. I hope you'll meet them."

He nodded. "I'd love to."

The waitress came to take their order. He ordered the Everything Burger and Maya groaned. She ordered a bacon cheeseburger. She wasn't a salad eating, fake woman who was afraid to be who she was. After what he'd heard about her parents, he'd say she was just like them and that excited him.

He grinned as their drinks were placed before them. "So, tell me all about Maya Sager."

She chuckled. Her dark eyes sparkled. Little tendrils of hair escaped her ponytail and laid against her face. She had the hint of dimples when she smiled and faint creases around her eyes that spoke of someone who didn't exactly live an easy life.

"Ah, well. I mentioned my parents. Both are GHOST operatives. Before GHOST, my father was a police detective in Tennessee. He'd been married, had a son, who was then killed in a car accident when his wife drove drunk. It scarred him in many ways. They have a tree planted for Adam at the GHOST compound in Indiana. It's sweet. It's also planted next to a tree my mom and Uncle Josh planted for their brother, my Uncle Jake, who was a GHOST operative and killed in the line of duty."

"That sounds like a family who has suffered much loss."

Her right shoulder hiked up and dropped. "I suppose it does. But, it doesn't define us. We love hard, fight, work, believe in protecting those who can't do it for themselves, and in bringing criminals to justice. It's a family legacy I suppose."

"I'd say that's an impressive legacy."

She smiled at his praise. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm not blowing sunshine, as they say. Besides all of that, what is it that makes Maya Sager, Maya Sager? What is it you want out of life? What is your favorite color? What kind of music do you listen to?"

She laughed and he couldn't look away. "What about Jasiah Weston? Who is he?"

"I believe I asked you first."

"You did. But, I also want to know about you."

He took a deep breath. "You know some of the history of my family. For most of my childhood, my grandfather was our leader. He liked our separation from the laws that bind all of you together. But, he wasn't vicious like my uncle, Craig. He kept us moving forward, healthy, thriving in many ways. But, staying to ourselves. We had school every day to learn all we could about many things. We were taught to take care of ourselves. And, we had the elixir to help us pay for what we needed. But, our numbers began to dwindle. People weren't having as many children. And, many of us didn't marry or have children at all. I think that was the beginning of Craig's breakdown. He became volatile. He was unreasonable and as Hanalore, his wife, couldn't produce an heir, he became more and more unpredictable."

She nodded her head, but her eyes never left his. "I remember Elena telling us some of this."

"For the record, Craig was my uncle, but I am nothing like him. My father was adamant that I be a good person. And, as it became clear that Craig wouldn't have an heir and the leadership would move to my father, then myself, Dad spoke to me often about doing what is right. Treating people with respect. Values. It was important to him, that I be a good person. And, I love my father very much, I want to make him proud, always."

"He must be so proud of you offering to let the people vote."

Jasiah shrugged slightly. "I hope so. I know he's worried."

"Are you worried?"

"I'm not. Not totally. I hope they want me to lead them, but if not, I'll find work and be just fine. Initially, I was raised to do that. It's only been the past few years, maybe since I've been around twenty-five that my dad began grooming me for leadership. Before that, I intended to hunt, fish, build cabins, and do what is needed to take care of my parents and my own family if I ever had one."

Maya cocked her head to the side and smiled sweetly. "Why didn't you get married and have a family like many others?"