Maya chuckled. "I suppose it seems that way to someone your age."
Marni shrugged. "I'm seven. My mama says I act older though. But I don't think she meant as old as you."
Maya shook her head and giggled. Out of the mouths of babes. "Probably not."
She glanced at Marni's stockings. "Were you playing in the woods? You've got leaves stuck to your tights."
Marni glanced down, swiped at her stockings a few times, knocking some of the debris from them. "Mama gets mad when I get dirty."
Maya laughed. "My mama never minded. She was usually dirty with me. My grandma, though. Oh, she always wanted me in dresses and frilly shoes."
Marni giggled. "You don't wear dresses now."
Maya's brows furrowed. "You mean today?"
"And yesterday."
"Yester..." Maya swallowed. "Did you see what happened in the woods yesterday?"
Marni took a step back. She pulled the woolen shirt she carried to her chest and wrapped her arms around it tightly.
Maya softened her voice. "It's okay, Marni. I'm just concerned you saw something bad."
A tear formed in the corner of her left eye and quickly slid down Marni's cheek. "I saw Senator Jackson get shot."
Maya scooted toward Marni. "Honey, I'm so sorry you had to see that. Where were you that you saw it?"
Marni swallowed. Slowly she turned her head and raised her hand toward the woods. "In there."
Maya lowered her voice. "Were you hiding?"
"No. I was in my playhouse."
Maya peered into the woods to see if she could see a playhouse. Nothing stuck out as a playhouse to her. "Will you show me your playhouse?"
Footsteps behind her on the road caused Maya to stand up and turn to see a woman striding toward them. Maya watched the woman's eyes graze over her, then to Marni, then back to her. Her demeanor was indiscernible, her shoulders were rounded, her midriff was full. She wore a dress without shape, her stockings were brown and slouching. When she spoke, it was as if she were tired and fed up.
"Marni. Where have you been? I've been calling you for lunch. We have work to do today. Daddy will be home from hunting soon, and we have to get the house in order."
"I'm sorry. I was in my playhouse."
Marni's mom stopped before Maya and huffed out a breath. "Who are you?"
"Hi. I'm Maya Sager. I live in Glen Hollow. We're up here investigating the..." She glanced at Marni. "The incident from yesterday."
Maya stepped forward to shake the tired lady's hand. The woman hesitated then gripped her hand and squeezed. Harder than necessary. It was puzzling.
"What are you doing with Marni?"
"She was telling me about her playhouse. I asked her to show me where it is. I'm searching for items the senator may have had in his possession."
"Marni doesn't have anything that belongs to anyone else. We don't have anything."
Footsteps landed on the road and Maya glanced around Marni's mom to see Jasiah striding toward them. His eyes took in everything. He was assessing the situation as he approached. She could see the emotions playing on his face, but she couldn't tell what he was thinking.
He stopped next to Marni's mom, but his eyes were locked on hers. "What's going on here?"
She gave Marni's mom a moment to answer, but she said nothing. In fact, her shoulders squared and her back seemed to grow rigid.