“You might be an omega, but you’re notmyomega,“ River replied.

My heart soared as my emotions went haywire. Those words coming from River had my body hot and my spirit on fire. It took everything I had not to throw myself at him. I forced myself to calm my breathing and focus. We weren’t alone right now.

Nicole huffed, turned on her high heels, and stormed to the kitchen door. She tried to push, rather than pull, the heavy door, though. Marring her dramatic exit. I probably should have helped her, but I didn’t. The omega didn’t need to be babied; she needed to figure things out for herself for once. She gave a frustrated little scream as she finally pushed through the door, and her dress caught on it as it closed.

Emma shot River a grin she couldn’t seem to contain. “You’re my hero. Just saying. Because that really needed to be said.”

My friendly feelings towards Emma disappeared in a jealous puff, as River gave her a small smile. My emotions were giving me whiplash.

“You’re welcome,” he told her, a little gruffly. I imagined he wasn’t exactly proud of talking harshly to an omega, even if it needed to be done.

Emma was still grinning as she turned to Cary and me. “I’m going to go watch Nicole. Make sure she doesn’t steal the protein bars and try to stash them somewhere.”

I nodded at her more stiffly than she deserved, as Cary added, “I’ll take Angel outside to get some sunshine. I can grab some of the other younger omegas too, give the older ones a break. If I can find some rope, I might even rig up a tire swing for them.”

“Sounds great, thank you.” Emma waved her hand over her shoulder as she turned and disappeared through the kitchen door as well.

Yes, air and sunshine were exactly what I needed right now. “I’ll come too,” I said a little too quickly.

But River suddenly stepped up into my space before I could move away.

“Actually, Ava. I need you.”

And there went my emotions again. Whoosh, they were up in flames, over three little words. I could almost feel myself burning.


Thesecondthewordscrossed my lips, I realized how they sounded, but I refused to look embarrassed or take them back. I needed Ava desperately. I just hadn’t meant in that way right now.

Ava was taking tiny, shallow breaths as she looked up at me through her lashes, and I had to lock my arms in place to stop myself from reaching for her. Finally, she was looking at me without her gaze instantly sliding away again, in that way that killed me.

“Why?” The word was so quiet I barely heard it, even with my alpha hearing and standing so close.

There were so many answers to that question, but it wasn’t the right time for any of the ones I wanted to give. So I stuck to my plan. The one I’d devised to get her alone so we could talk. She was so poised and collected, so different from the farm girl we’d grown up with. She had walls built up around her. For years I’d assumed we just needed to find her. But when the shooting stopped and she’d stepped back from us, I’d known it was going to take more. We’d all changed, but I knew our Ava was in there somewhere. I had to believe we could find our way back to each other again. There was no other option for me. Keeping her safe was all I lived for.

I’d be with her, a part of her life, or I’d haunt her from the shadows.

She was watching me quietly, patiently waiting for my answer as I paused. “I need you to show me through the tunnels. We checked the ones Ryder and I found last night, but I want to make sure we didn’t miss any. That is why you said you wanted to come to the Palace, because you knew where the tunnels were?” I knew I was pushing her outside her comfort zone right now, but if I let her avoid me forever, we’d never get past this awful tension between us.

I could almost see her mind working, trying to find a way out of this, but there was none. She searched my face, and it felt like a caress.

“Okay.” One word, and hope speared through me. This was my chance. I worked to keep my breathing steady and my expression neutral. I didn’t want to do anything to spook her now that I was about to get her alone.

She shot a glance at Cary, who was still hovering, and a frown marred her gorgeous face. I followed her gaze and noticed him wincing as he put Angel back down on the ground, straightening her tee for her as he went. She wore a matching outfit to Ava and Emma, little leggings, and a t-shirt, which was cute as hell.

“Sorry, chipmunk. I can’t carry you right now. You got too big while I was gone.” Angel straightened her shoulders and stretched her neck up, looking pleased as she tried to look even taller.

“Your ribs?” Ava asked him, as he shot us a wary glance. His eyes widened as he noticed us both watching him closely.

He looked at me for the briefest moment before directing his attention back at Ava again. He sighed as if he knew she’d persist if he didn’t answer. “Yeah.”

Ava walked up to him and hugged him gently. Making my jaw clench. Not in jealousy, though. If she was open to other people caring for her, I had no problem with it. I just wanted to hug her, too. “I’m okay, Ava,” he whispered into her hair.

She didn’t seem convinced, but I sensed this moment between them was about more than his ribs, as concerning as they were. Something else was going on with him. “I’ll check the bruising when we get back, and we can call Luis if we need to.”

He nodded, clearly not wanting to discuss anything in front of me. He gave me a hard, pointed look as Ava released him, before he took Angel’s hand and turned her towards the door. His look was intentional. It was a warning and also a passing of the baton. He was letting me know I was responsible for watching Ava until he got back, and there would be hell to pay if I fucked up.

I gave him a quick, casual salute, and he rolled his eyes before he turned and left. His dedication to Ava was obvious, and I respected it. He’d barely left her side since we’d arrived. I wondered if he was also giving me some kind of permission, but that was ridiculous. I didn’t need his permission for anything.Or did I?