Before I could say anything, an omega sauntered around the corner and headed for the kitchen. I vaguely recognized her, but couldn’t recall her name. She’d been due to attend her debut with Emma and me, along with one other girl. But she’d made no attempt to break the rules and befriend any of us, even though we had rooms in the same hallway. Never even attempting a hello. She’d always just lifted her chin and ignored us.

Right now, she couldn’t look more different from us. Emma and I were both wearing leggings and tees while we worked to get everyone fed today and better set up in the ballroom. We’d decided to keep the omegas there to guard them better, but also reduce energy usage. Yet this omega had dressed in a low cut flowy dress, and was wearing gaudy jewelry, as if the apocalypse had never happened. If she’d found herself a tiara, I felt sure she would have put it on, too.

The hairs rose on my arms and I got a sense of danger from her I couldn’t place. She barely looked at me, zeroing in on Emma.Was ignoring me a ploy, or did she just think me insignificant?

“Hey, so sorry. Did I miss lunch?” She asked. Her smile appeared pasted on like a fake tattoo. There was no sincerity behind it.

“Yeah. You missed clean-up too,” Emma replied with a salty tone and a hand on her hip.

“Oh, shoot. Could you make me a quick sandwich, or something, then?” The omega flipped her hair over her shoulder with a dismissive arrogance as she spoke. I couldn’t believe her nerve, but I didn’t want to antagonize her and cause problems we didn’t need right now.

“Did you miss the Crash as well, Nicole? What the hell makes you think we have fresh bread or sandwich meats?” Emma had no such reservations. She sounded incredulous, and at her wit’s end. I figured she’d been dealing with a lot of drama from Nicole since the Crash.

Omegas from poor or unknown families, like Emma and me, were treated differently by the Palace compared to those from aristocratic families. Wealthy omegas still didn’t get any choices, but the Palace usually paired them with an alpha their family approved. Instead of being thrown to the wolves. They were also discreetly sent a lot of presents by their families and chosen suitors while at the Palace. Despite the no contact rule. It was where the Palace princess misconception came from.

“Didn’t they bring back food?” Nicole pointed at Cary and me, but didn’t bother to look at us as she waved her finger vaguely in our direction. I wanted to slap her hand away, but I refrained. I didn’t care about how she treated me, but Cary deserved better. Yet, I had no idea what life had been like for her lately, or what she had endured. I had no right to judge her. So I forced a smile back to my face.

“Some of our friends from town dropped off some tinned food this morning. We had soup and crackers for lunch but it’s all gone, I’m sorry. There are some protein bars left, though. If you’re hungry.” Nicole just glanced at me before she turned up her nose dismissively.

“I’m not eating protein bars, and I’m sick of eating tinned shit. I want some proper food.” She crossed her arms, but stopped short of stamping her foot. She was still acting less mature than the actual child with us, who was staring at her with her mouth hanging open in shock.

“We have some more food coming tonight and it’s coming from the farm we’ve been staying at. So hopefully it will include some fresh food, as well as some provisions, so we can all make our own.” I tried to placate the omega again, with no success.

“I’m not making food,” Nicole said, as her mouth twisted into a sneer. She looked at me as if I was insane.

“I guess you’re going to be hungry then,” Cary said, as he picked Angel up and cuddled her against his chest. He took a step closer to me, while Angel buried her face in his shoulder, not liking the angry emotions suddenly swirling around the corridor.

“Yeah,” Emma added, “because I’ll be damned if I’m making anything for you with an attitude like that.” Emma was feisty today. I hadn’t known her before, but I’d spent the last few hours with her and she’d proven to be smart, capable and unafraid to speak her mind. I liked her.

“You can’t talk to me that way. Especially you, Cary. You’re just a freak. Do you know who my father is?” Oh no, she didn’t. I rarely got angry, but talking trash about someone I cared about was a surefire way to get me there.

“Oh, I know who your father is,” Cary retorted, not needing any help from me to defend himself, “and he doesn’t treat all omegas like princesses. He likes to get his freak on.”

I felt devastated at the reminder of what Cary had endured, as my anger dissipated and my focus turned to Cary. Guilt flooded me. While I’d been mostly left alone during my time at the Palace, Cary and Maia had needed to survive it.

“Maybe I can help this situation.” River’s voice behind me, had me stilling. I hadn’t sensed him move closer.

Nicole and Emma’s heads both swiveled toward River as he spoke, clearly taken by surprise. Yet Cary looked impassive, as if he’d also sensed River’s presence. Which surprised me.

Nicole’s face lit up as she saw River emerge from the gloom of the connecting hallway, and her entire demeanor changed. She arched her back slightly, pushed her boobs out, and took a deep breath of his scent as it spiked. She was delusional if she thought it was spiking for her, though.Wasn’t she?

The thought that River might be attracted to her had my emotions spinning wildly in another direction. I was an overfilled water balloon about to pop. If someone pricked me, my emotions would spill out everywhere, splattering everyone around me.

“Mmmmm, dark chocolate. You smell divine,” Nicole simpered as she sashayed over to him, “and you make those other alphas look like boys. I’m Nicole Arbutier. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Ugh. I wanted to vomit.Could she be any more obvious?

She’d confirmed my suspicions about where she’d just come from, though. She’d been sniffing out the alphas who had arrived with us last night.

My whole body stiffened as she reached River and moved to put her hand on his arm. I couldn’t watch her touch him. I tried to glance away and caught the warning glare Cary shot at River. But looking away was useless. The slow motion movements drew my eyes back as if it was a car crash about to happen. I felt relief flood me as River brushed her hand away before she could touch him.

“Introductions aren’t necessary,” he said, with a cool chill to his voice I’d never heard him use before. “What’s important is that you have a choice to make. Nobody is keeping anyone here anymore, and whoever was protecting you here is gone.”

He glared at her as she sucked in a shocked breath. “So, either you stay, chip in and help figure out how to survive here, or you leave. If you have somewhere that’s a better option, I suggest you go. We’ll even pack you some supplies because it’s likely to be a long walk.”

He sounded harsh, but mollycoddling this omega would not help her anymore. Someone had clearly spoiled her enough. I wanted to tell her if her father hadn’t come for her by now; he wasn’t coming. But I figured she knew that, which was why she was so desperate to latch onto an alpha. She wanted a new daddy.

“How can you say that to me? You’re an alpha. I’m an omega. Do you have any idea what my father’s connections could do for you?”