“I watch people a lot and I’ve learned a thing or two,” I said, knowing Wolf and I were similar in that way.
My thoughts got muddled as Cary kissed a line along my jaw.
“So I’m mating Wolf then, I guess,” Cary said with a studied casualness, but I could feel his heart beating against his ribs and I knew it wasn’t all for me. I also knew I was okay with that. The thought of Wolf and Cary together had my heart skipping over itself in relief and excitement.
“Yeah, you are,” I answered with a grin spreading across my face that I could no longer contain. I felt almost giddy. “At the next available opportunity. Not tonight, though. We probably need to wait until we’re not in a room full of other omegas. It could start a riot.”
Cary chuckled against my skin. “I love you, Ava. You know that, right?” he whispered as he teased his tongue along my neck, over Wolf’s claiming bite.
The breath I’d just gotten back rapidly left my lungs. “I love you, too, Cary. I’m always going to love you. Sharing you won’t change that. It will only make it better. You’re enough, exactly as you are, for Wolf and for me.”
He moaned as he grabbed my face and gave me a slow, drugging kiss full of heat and passion. I slipped my hand between us and unzipped his pants, then pulled out his hard cock and ground myself against it. I needed to feel him inside me, in any way I could, and I needed it now. The press of his hard heat through the lace of my underwear had me soaked.
“Anyone could walk in here and see us,” he groaned, but he didn’t stop me.
I laughed, a little breathlessly. “Nobody comes in here, you know that.” I’d always thought it was such a shame, it was a beautiful library. Especially in the late afternoon, when the dappled light slanted in through the tall windows and the woodwork seemed to glow.
“I was supposed to come and find you, then bring you to the movie night,” he protested weakly.
“But you haven’t fulfilled the come part yet.”
Cary groaned at my crude joke. “Just hearing you say the word come with that sweet mouth of yours does things to me,” he said as he reached down and pulled my underwear aside. He teased his cock through my wet heat a few times, making me squirm against him.
“Have I mentioned how much I love this skirt?” he said, as he changed his angle and drove inside me.
I gasped and pressed my legs tighter around him. He made slow, shallow thrusts, each one edging deeper inside me. He didn’t seem to be in any kind of hurry, despite his earlier objection.
He kept kissing me with long, slow, seductive kisses until I felt as if I was losing my mind. He pulled back slightly and watched me closely on his next slow thrust.
“Tell me again that you love me,” he demanded, as his hands tightened on my ass.
“I love you, Cary,” I whimpered on his next long slide. I looked deep into his eyes and felt the emotions spilling around us. The unhurried pace was destroying me. I could feel my insides melting. But it also eased the ache in my chest. He reached around and brushed his thumb lightly across my clit, causing liquid heat to pool inside me.
I cried out as his thumb pressed harder and he ran firmer circles over my clit as he ground up hard into me. The liquid heat rippled through me until a drawn out orgasm had me moaning and shaking in his arms. He lightly bit my neck as I felt him pulse inside me, dragged into his own orgasm as my pussy tightened and convulsed around him.
He held me close and kissed me until the last tremor finally subsided. Then helped rearrange my clothing after he dropped me back to the ground. I was about to walk into a packed ballroom with his scent coating me, but considering he was still marking my clothing, it wasn’t much different from any other day. Plus, I knew it would drive Wolf wild to know I had Cary’s cum leaking down my thigh.
I practically floated all the way there, as I clasped Cary’s hand tightly. We may not have a bond yet, but I felt happier now, knowing that we were solid, and it was going to happen. Soon. I’d use my feminine wiles if I had to, to make sure it happened quickly. Now that I knew Cary was ready, I couldn’t wait.
My happiness dimmed slightly though, as we walked the darkened hallways. I felt Cary’s watchfulness slip back into place like a cloak. He seemed even more alert to danger tonight, as he analyzed every shadow. As if he could feel eyes following our every movement. The sooner we left this place, the better.
It felt almost as if fate, herself, was stalking us.
“Hey,”Iansweredthesatellite phone I was still carrying distractedly, as I cradled it against my shoulder while trying to hang fairy lights. We weren’t on a call schedule for Ava anymore, but the team here had made me the liaison for Max at the farm. We’d only spoken a few hours ago, though.
“I have someone who wants to talk to you,” Max said, the hint of a laugh coming through his too formal tone.
Before I could ask who it was, there was a rustling and a familiar voice came on the line. “Nick, is that you?”
I dropped the string of lights and scrambled to grab the phone properly, almost dropping it. “GG, hi. What’s up?”
“Nothing much. What’s up with you?” She asked tartly. I could almost feel her narrowing her eyes at me across the distance between us.
GG was the personification of love and light until you did something that crossed a line. She didn’t have a lot of them. GG had raised enough kids to know we were going to learn the hard way and do stupid shit, despite her sage advice. She usually shrugged at our various scrapes and shenanigans. If it was serious in her eyes, though, you knew you’d really messed up. She never yelled, she only narrowed her eyes and waited until we confessed. Just that one look from her had you suddenly rethinking every choice you’d recently made.
Her biggest line involved family, and not keeping each other in the loop. And I’d disappeared for days without a word.