Page 68 of Knot Your Problem

I saw her mouth twitch slightly in the darkness, like she was fighting a smile.

“You’ve barely known me for a minute,” she sassed, while trying to keep her voice hushed.

“Have I?” I whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver, before I pulled back to look at her with my eyebrow raised in question.

She suddenly looked adorably confused. “Do I know you?” Lexie asked. “I feel like I’ve always known you, yet also never seen you before.”

“Wait,” she said, as she tried to step back, but the wall at her back blocked her. She looked suddenly mistrustful, as if her brain was trying to fight past the omega pheromones pumping through her body. “Are you one of the alphas who escaped the farm today?”

“No,” I said, “I’m the alpha who escaped the first night.”

She looked confused again. I could almost see her brain working, trying to make connections. “What’s your name?” She whispered suddenly.

“Pala,” I answered honestly. I would hide nothing from this woman.

She gasped loudly, and I ran my mouth over her open lips again. “Are you begging for another kiss?” I asked hoarsely. She chased my lips and forced me to pull back before I forgot myself.

“Are you Dio’s Pala?” She whispered against my mouth, torturing me.

I brushed my hand down from where it had found its home around her nape, again, and pulled the neck of her black t-shirt to the side on instinct. I traced my finger over the bite mark there and she shivered again.

“More like he’s our Dio,” I whispered back.

Awareness and understanding flashed across her face as I watched her emotions play out, followed by desire and guilt.

“I would never do a thing to hurt either you, Dio, or Sam,” I said, as I looked her in the eye and spoke my truth. “Ever.”

“Dio was pitching you as a potential mate from the first night we were together. Now, I know why. You feel right. Like you’re a part of them.”

I swallowed hard at her words. The intense way she was looking at me made me want to do significantly more than kiss her, but this wasn’t the time or the place. We had already dallied too long, too close to danger. We were on borrowed time.

“He’s a good man, and cares deeply about people, despite his easygoing nature. Family and bonds are important to him. To Sam and I, too.”

“Yet, you left them? They’ve been hurting at your silence.” Her tone wasn’t accusing, but curious and only slightly remonstrating. I could tell she cared deeply already, too.

“It hurt me too, but it was necessary. I don’t plan on staying away anymore, though.”

She was silent for a moment, taking me in, tracing my features with her gaze. Learning my shadows. But a sudden noise nearby had me stiffening and whipping my head around to the entrance of our little recess. No more sounds followed, but I focused again as I remembered where we were.

We would have time for this discussion soon. I would make sure of it.

“Back to the plan,” I whispered, “if we want to get your friend and make it back to the farm. We’re running out of time. I don’t doubt your ability to get this woman out ordinarily, but there is a pub full of escaped alphas next door who know you by sight, and your omega scent is currently in overdrive. If even one alpha comes across it with this breeze, it will lead a path directly to you and your secret will be out.”

I paused. “And not just you. Even if you get her out without being discovered, your scent is going to linger and will leave a path right to the safe house. It’s not a risk you need to take right now, when I can go for you. My scent is already all over this town. I’ve been staking it out for hours.”

Lexie wanted to argue. I could see it in her eyes, but she couldn’t fault my logic. “Fine,” she huffed.

I hadn’t been around women a lot, having been in the military most of my adult life, but I knew enough about them to know when they said, ‘Fine,’ things were rarely actually fine.

I leaned in towards her and whispered in her ear again. “I won’t let you down. I’ll get her out, I promise. Then you can take it from there. I have no problem letting you do your thing.”

I shifted down further to breathe her scent deeply from the curve of her neck, the spot I had been dreaming about claiming. I licked her lightly over the sensitive spot before blowing on her skin gently as I worked my way back up to her ear. Loving her shivers at my slightest touch and the tiny moan that slipped out.

“The way you handled those alphas after the fight at the farm was intoxicating,” I whispered again, my lips gliding down towards the corner of her mouth. “I could hardly take my eyes off you. I’ve had to force myself to focus on finishing my mission, because I knew it would help keep you safe. But all I’ve been able to think about since the moment I left was getting back to you, Dio, and Sam.”

Lexie was panting hard. The close quarters in the darkness, the sense of danger and the true mate bond I could feel drawing us together made this moment feel too much and not nearly enough at the same time. I wanted all of her and I didn’t want to wait. I’d been waiting my whole life already.

Not the place, Pala.Don’t start something you can’t finish here without putting her in danger.I cautioned myself. Keeping my body away from hers right now, or my mind focused on the task at hand, was proving hard. I used all of my willpower to force myself backwards in the little space we had.