Page 69 of Knot Your Problem

Her eyes looked glazed, almost drugged in the tiny amount of moonlight that was filtering into our recess. That would not help her run if she needed to escape. I put my hands on her shoulders, to stop her swaying towards me as her body tried to follow mine instinctively.

“Now,” I growled lightly, “tell me what I need to know to get your friend out safely.”

Lexie nodded, and I removed my hands from her reluctantly. I put them behind my back and leaned against the recess wall behind me to stop myself from touching her again.

Get her out. Get her safe.Was my new mantra.

She quickly told me the passcodes, the security measures on the safe house, and how to get out through the secret passage if I needed to. It could only be accessed from the inside. I focused all my attention on her words, not wanting to make her repeat herself.

My skin prickled with a sense of imminence, as if something was coming. It got steadily stronger, as Lexie whispered her last words and raised an eyebrow at my silence. I placed a finger over her mouth to warn her to be quiet now. As I opened all my senses up to the darkness surrounding us.

There, another noise, this time much closer. The slightest scrape of a shoe and a rustle of clothing as someone shifted position. Someone was hunting us. We were out of time.

I slowed my breathing and focused all my senses on the alleyway beyond us, knowing the only way out now was through whoever was out there.

I gave Lexie the stay signal, hoping she understood after being around her brother and his mates so much. Then shifted silently, so I was better poised to move. Knowing the moon was at the opposite end of the alley as whoever approached, I was confident I would see them before they saw us.

My entire being focused on this one threat, one rectangle of filtered, silvery light. No one was hurting Lexie on my watch.

The moment I saw a shadow move, I launched myself through the recess, grabbed the intruder, and slammed him up against the wall with a chokehold against his throat. The alpha had the nerve to laugh.

“I thought I had scented you earlier. I heard you’re MIA from the Palace. Did you escape with a tasty omega, because something smells delicious down here? Should have headed anywhere else, because now you’re going to have to share her with all of us. Those fuckers at the Palace are stingy with the omegas, but if one is MIA with you, she’s fair game and you’re nowhere near dominant enough to stop me.”

The intruder alpha groaned before cackling like a deranged maniac. “Fuck, she’s a potent one.” He sounded high.

Suddenly, a door opened in the alcove behind Lexi. A dark figure shot out and pushed her into the moonlight. She stumbled, trying to maintain her balance on the uneven surface in the alleyway. The alpha followed too closely behind her, though. He grabbed her arm, before I could intervene, and pulled her around in front of him, keeping her unbalanced until he pulled her against his body.

My blood boiled in my veins at the sight of another alpha touching my omega. Lexi’s face wrinkled at his proximity and his noxious, weedy scent. Her omega didn’t like it either.

“Well, well, what do we have here? It seems someone has been holding out on the Palace. Lexie, isn’t it? Who could mistake that hair?” he asked as he took a long sniff of it. “Winston is going to be thrilled to see you.”

“No,” the first alpha groaned as he pushed against me. “I found her. Let me have a turn first. Winston will never share.”

I growled low in my throat and I could see the other alpha’s eyes glinting dangerously in the moonlight as he continued to hold Lexie in place.

“Roger, Alfonso, I should have known if anyone was doing shady deals in back alleyways, it would be you two. At least now I can end you with a clean conscience.”

I looked over at Lexie and saw the determined gleam in my girl’s eyes. She was about to throw down and I was here for it. “Make him pay, my heart.”

She smiled at me, and honestly, at that moment, she was a little terrifying. Her gorgeous bright pink hair was flowing lightly in the breeze and she was standing strong, with her feet firmly planted now and her body relaxed, ready to move.

People often said her brother, Leif, looked like a Norse god, which was fitting. Because right now, I swore I could see Freyja, Norse goddess of love, fertility, war and death, staring back at me in the moonlight. Her spirit was fierce and wild, and the thought of battle woke something up inside her.

I’d never gotten the connection between love and war before, or even death, always thinking it an odd combination. I saw it now though. Love shone through Lexie in everything she did, but she was also a force to be reckoned with. I knew instinctively she would start a war to save the people she loved.

Lexie pulled a move so swiftly, I barely even saw it. One moment she was standing, being held in front of an alpha who towered over her. The next, he was on his knees and she was behind him, his own pocket knife stolen from his belt, held to his throat.

“How do you like it, watching a knife get held to your friend’s throat?” she asked the alpha I still had pinned. “Doesn’t feel great, does it?”

“Holy fuck, that was hot,” the alpha I held sputtered, and I grabbed his throat so hard I heard a crack.

Lexie just sighed. Completely done with these two. She looked almost disappointed, like that had been too easy.

“You need to go, now, Lexie,” I said. “We’re out of time.”

“I’m not leaving you here with two alphas,” she hissed at me.

I barked a command at the alpha in her hands and he froze instantly, a look of agony passing over his features briefly. She stepped away from him in shock.