Page 58 of Knot Your Problem

Most people didn’t understand when Dio got protective over me, but as the guys all shot protective glances at Damon, I sensed they did.

“I can accept that for now, but I’m going to be watching,” Leif said, speaking plainly.

“We’ll all be watching,” Damon countered.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Dio said, still being serious for once. “The more people who have her back, the better. I have no problem with any of you looking out for our girl. Family goes both ways, so know that you now have more eyes on Maia, too,”

Leif got up, circled the table and held his hand out to Dio. “Welcome to the family, Dio.”

Dio ignored his hand and got up to hug him. “I grew up in a big family, and we didn’t shake hands,” he said, sounding relieved and a little emotional.

Leif hugged him back and let out a huge breath. Max and Hunter followed closely with a lot of heavy back slapping from Hunter before they all sat down again.

I couldn’t have been more thankful for Dio at that moment, and I shot him a grateful smile. He had an easy, open way with people, even when he was laying down the law, that I could never hope to emulate.

People responded to his manner instinctively, becoming more open themselves. Everyone loved him. I wouldn’t have gotten as far as I had in life without him to pave the way for my grumpy ass, and I knew it.

I could feel Damon was still sitting watching us, though. Like a predator waiting to pounce. This wasn’t over. He was just getting started.


“Iappreciateyourhelpwith the attack and your team helping to watch over the farm since then, but I have questions,” Damon said, his gaze and his words delivered bluntly. He was going to be a much harder sell than the rest of his mates.

I forced down an instinctive growl at his high-handed attitude. This was Damon’s turf, and I had to respect that. I had a few questions for him, too.

“Shoot,” I said roughly and felt more than heard Dave sigh next to me. I wasn’t deliberately trying to provoke Damon with my curt attitude, but the tension had my beast riled protectively. Plus, when I was nervous, what came out wasn’t always what I meant to say, or how I meant to say it.

“You reacted exactly the same as Dio to Lexie the other morning.”

“That’s not a question,” I replied, trying to keep things light. I would not get into this with them before I’d even discussed it with Lexie.

“Don’t be an asshole. Tell me what’s going on with you and Lexie,” Damon growled as tension spiked further around us.

Dio opened his mouth to say something, always willing to jump in and defend me, but I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him and reassure him at the same time.

“If anything develops between Lexie and I, you won’t hear it from me. If she wants you to know, she’ll tell you,” I growled back at Damon. “I can assure you, though, I have no intention of messing with her, or hurting her.”

Everyone tensed, waiting to see if this would escalate. But Damon just switched his attention to Dave. I felt guilty for feeling relieved Damon’s attention wasn’t on me anymore.

“And you?” He asked Dave, with less growl but just as seriously. Hunter looked between Damon and Dave incredulously.

“Um, what the hell?” Hunter stuttered, his head pinging between Damon and Dave.

“What about me?” Dave asked Damon in a flat voice that had shut down all emotion, ignoring Hunter.

Damon just watched Dave with an unwavering stare that gave nothing away about what he was thinking.

“She needs you, Dave. We need you, too. It’s time,” Dio said in a sure, calm voice, surprising the hell out of me and everyone else at the table. Everyone except Damon.

Dave flicked his gaze to Dio briefly before something seemed to settle in him and he straightened in his chair. “I will continue to work security for this farm, but I’m resigning from my role as Lexie’s surveillance operative and undercover bodyguard. Effective immediately.”

I took a shocked breath that was mimicked by Dio. I glanced at Leif. He seemed uncomfortable, while none of his mates looked surprised.

I instantly saw red and my rage erupted, whiskey spilling into the air. “You’ve been surveilling Lexie? Does she know?” I asked Dave in a voice as cold as the river I’d dunked myself in the other night.

Dave sighed and turned reluctantly to Dio and I. “Yes. And no, she doesn’t know. Not that I’m aware of, anyway.”

“Why would you betray her trust like that?” I ground out, fury riding me hard. My fists clenched and my dominance leaked everywhere as I stood up and crowded Dave. I saw Dave shift back slightly as the strength of my dominance pummeled him, but he stood up and braced himself with his legs apart.