Page 57 of Knot Your Problem

Shit. I wasn’t the best person for this. Talking to people was not my strength. I had a point. I just needed to figure out what it was and get to it.

“I imagine it can’t be easy for you, being around this many alphas. But you have my promise that nobody here will hurt you while I’m around. If anyone is making you uncomfortable, even if it’s one of my team, you let me know and I’ll handle it.” My words weren’t just for Cary, they were for every alpha here. I glanced at Dio as I spoke.

Cary looked startled. I got the impression this was the first time in his life anyone had offered to defend him. He was usually very closed off and a little snarky, but he looked incredibly vulnerable suddenly, as if he’d been putting on a tough front that had melted away at my words. Like ice cream left in the sun.

“I figured that went without saying,” Damon said, “but if it needs to be said, I’ll second that, Cary. You are safe from anyone inside this farm. I know Maia convinced you to stay for now, but I hope you will consider staying permanently. We’ll do anything we can to make you comfortable here.”

“Yeah, what he said,” Hunter added.

Cary’s vanilla ice cream scent spiked, and I had to take shallow breaths, trying not to breathe it in. I wasn’t worried that his scent would draw me to him. My every thought centered on Lexie now, but his scent still pulled at my alpha. It made me want to protect him and I didn’t want to get all growly and make him uncomfortable. I noticed Hunter, who was closest to Cary, took a subtle step back.

“Shit, sorry,” Cary mumbled as he clenched and unclenched his hands. He seemed rattled as he took a step away, too. “I usually have a better lock on my scent. It doesn’t mean I’m attracted to any of you. It just spikes when I get emotional, and that doesn’t happen a lot anymore.”

“Fuck,” Dio swore softly. “You don’t have to apologize, Cary. I’m sorry if I tensed and made you uncomfortable before, when Lexie asked you to go with them. I feel like shit. That wasn’t fair. And it wasn’t because you’re an omega. It was because you’re a guy. This is all new for me and my alpha is feeling very territorial over Lexie while the bond is so new. But that’s my problem. I’ll try to tone it down. You’re welcome to spend any time with Lexie she wants.”

Cary just nodded at him while shifting uncomfortably. He seemed lost for words.

“Okay, everyone can tone it down,” Dave said with calm authority. “Are you okay, Cary?”

“Yeah, just embarrassed,” he muttered as he ran his hand over his short hair.

“Don’t be. You don’t need to control or suppress your omega here. All these guys toss their scents around like candy on Halloween. It’s fine. There’s a plate of breakfast for Nick in the fridge. Max was going to take it down when we were done. Grab it and if you want to watch the treehouse after, head on up. You don’t need to hang around outside.”

“Okay. Uh. Thanks.” He glanced at everyone in the room to make sure we knew he was thanking all of us. He gave us an awkward wave as he turned and disappeared through the doors to the kitchen.

I could see Dave eyeing the door and I figured he wanted to head for the treehouse himself, but knew he needed to be here.

Damon, Leif, Hunter and Max all settled around one of the dining tables. They each fit ten people, so there was plenty of room for all of us. The guys appeared to be lounging casually, but they didn’t fool me. They were on alert and watchful, and I knew any of them could turn deadly in an instant if provoked. The tension in the room spiked quickly now that Cary was gone and Maia wasn’t here. We had no distraction from what was about to go down.

I was suddenly nervous. This was Maia and Lexie’s family. I knew of these guys, but they didn’t know me, Dio, or my team. From the cool looks they were currently giving us, they were reserving judgment. The camaraderie from the kitchen earlier had dissipated.

I needed this meeting to go well, but I also couldn’t be a pushover. These guys would never respect me if I was. I wouldn’t respect myself either. They needed to know if they could trust us around their mate and sister, and they were about to push us to find out. I didn’t blame them. I’d do the same in their position.

I noticed Damon’s eyes narrow further when Dave sat down next to me. I didn’t know if it was a strategic move by Dave, designed to show his trust in us, or if he just wanted to be near at hand if I lost my shit. Either way, I felt comfortable having him at my side.

Dio bumped my arm gently from my other side and fake coughed as Hunter smirked.Shit, I called this meeting. Now everyone was watching me again.

“Where do you want to start?” I asked, spreading my hands wide as if I was gesturing at an open buffet. “With Lexie and Dio, farm security, the Palace, or my team and why we’re here?”

“Lex,” was the unanimous response, almost in unison. It was eerie. Yet, their instinctive choice was one more example of the powerful sense of family between them and where their priorities lay.

“Over to you, Dio,” I turned and smirked at him. He looked momentarily startled. Clearly, he hadn’t expected me to throw him to the wolves. He recovered quickly, though.

“Uh. Hi,” Dio grinned easily. “So Lex is my true mate and I’ve claimed her, which makes us brothers now. So go easy on me, okay?”

Hunter chuckled dryly, shaking his head. “No way in hell. If we’re brothers now, we’re not pulling our punches. You get the full brother experience.”

“Awww, hell,” Dio grumbled, but he was still grinning until he sobered up abruptly and leaned forward, instantly matching the tone of the room. He placed both his arms firmly on the table and stared them down. “Seriously though, Lex just became one of the most important people in my world. I will not hesitate to fuck any of you up if you piss her off. I will take her side unconditionally.”

He paused for a beat, and they all just watched him. Like an impenetrable wall of testosterone. Dio didn’t flinch, though, and he didn’t appear daunted, at least on the outside. I could sense he just wanted his next words to sink in.

“Also, I know she’s independent and a total badass. I wouldn’t dream of changing that. But if you think she needs something she’s not getting from me, or I’ve been an idiot and upset her without meaning to, which lets face it, is entirely possible, you come to me. I will fix it. All I care about is that she’s safe and happy. I’ll take any hits I need to in order to make sure she doesn’t have to. The same applies to Sam, too.”

“Dio-,” I interjected.

“No, Sam. Let me say my piece.” Dio shot me that determined look that said he would fight me if he had to, in order to protect me. “What I mean is, if Sam is being a grumpy asshole and has pissed someone off, or you can tell he’s riding too close to the edge of his control, you don’t push his buttons, you come to me.”

My heart clenched as I tensed and braced myself for their reaction, ready to back Dio up if needed. Even if it came down to me and him against the world. As nervous as I felt sitting down and formally meeting these guys, I wouldn’t let them walk all over us. Weirdly, though, they all relaxed at Dio’s words, as if they could respect where he was coming from.