Page 48 of Knot Your Problem

“Who the hell are all the military guys in the dining room?” Hunter growled.

“Uh, they’re with me,” Sam said. “It’s the rest of my team.”

I noticed Max was wearing a hot pink unicorn tee, but no pants, only his underwear, which made me laugh harder.

“I’m fine, guys,” Maia squeaked out from inside four sets of muscled arms, all trying to get skin contact with her. “I was just getting some breakfast, and Dio was bringing me up to speed on some things we needed to talk about.”

Maia winked at Dio, and he grinned. I had to hold down a sudden growl from bursting out of my chest.Shit, settle petal.

“You might want to put on some more clothes before you meet Sam’s team.” Maia suggested, as she turned her attention back to her mates, and I took a deep breath. She eyed off Max’s toned legs as he blushed. I heard a woman behind me catcall, and Maia laughed brightly.

She seemed much more settled in her bonds now that her pack was complete and they had all claimed her.

“We need to add Nick’s family to the list of things to talk about,” Damon said. “They know about packs and prime alphas. We need all the information we can get about our new dynamics. We also need to know if there are more people like us out there.”

He smiled softly at Maia as he talked, even though he was addressing the others.

“Uh, I spoke with GG quickly just after Maia went into heat. She said for you to come find her when things calm down. No rush.” Damon nodded at me and shot a grateful smile my way.

Dio cleared his throat and looked uncomfortable for a second. “I have some people you can add to your list who know about packs, if we can get in contact. I don’t know what a prime alpha is though, so I can’t help you there.”

“A prime alpha historically was an incredibly dominant alpha that draws other alphas in,” Maia said quietly. “They could dominate multiple alphas at once and kept rogue alphas in line. I have an old banned book about packs that talks about them. They appeared to have died out in recent history, though. I think groups of lone alphas hunted them out of existence or they went underground.

“The book says they usually struggled to handle their extreme levels of dominance on their own, often becoming aggressive or losing their minds, which is where packs came in. They provided an emotional base for the prime alpha and helped balance them out.

“Nick’s family has kept a lot of old histories alive, and knows about packs, too. They knew Damon was a prime alpha. It’s how he dominated so many alphas at once the other day when we were under attack. He could only do it because we had all started our bonds, we were channeling the power he was drawing, evening out the load. It was heady and felt freaking amazing.”

Holy crap.Dave, Dio and I all spun towards Sam and stared at him. I had heard the guys and Maia talking about Damon being a prime alpha, but I hadn’t asked what it meant. What Maia was saying seemed to describe Sam perfectly too, though.

“Holy shit.” Dio said, a look of awe passing across his face as he looked at Sam.

“What?” Sam growled at us. “Why are you all staring at me?”

Everyone was staring at Sam now, except for Leif, who was looking at me.

“Lexie, are you okay?” he asked, startling me. He had a frown on his face and a curious tilt to his head as he walked over to me, before he leaned over and sniffed me. “Why are you wearing that awful perfume, and what is that other scent?”

I tried to lean away from him, but he suddenly had a wild look in his eyes. He grabbed my arm to hold me still so he could sniff me better. He wasn’t rough, but it was enough to pull the arm of my t-shirt as I panicked and jerked away, exposing the bite mark on my shoulder.

He stilled as soon as he saw it, and his beast instantly rose to the surface. I saw the transformation in his eyes as the warmth bled away and all traces of my gentle, giant brother disappeared in cold fury.

“Who the fuck bit you, Lexie?” he growled, dark and menacing as his gaze swung around the room, trying to find the culprit.

A warm, growling body appeared out of nowhere and inserted itself between Leif and me, pushing me back a step. Dark curls obscured my view as Leif growled back before bodies collided and fists started flying.

A roar suddenly shattered the air in the kitchen, followed by another competing roar that left my ears ringing. The two together sounded like a sonic boom detonating in the room, and competing waves of dominance hit me almost at the same time.

A rush of men suddenly burst through the swinging door, with guns pointing wildly as Sam’s team tried to figure out the threat.

Holy hell, that escalated fast.I looked desperately behind me to see Cary shielding Ava and as many of the frightened women from the kitchen as he could, directing the rest down behind fridges and cupboards. He made a move towards me, but I waved him back. I wanted him exactly where he was, to watch the other women.

No way was this going down on my watch.

My omega protective instincts snapped and fury ran through my veins as I turned and launched myself into the melee.


Oneminutewewereall talking calmly, and I was happily munching on stolen bacon. The best kind, in my opinion. The next Leif growled while holding Lexie by the arm and my beast erupted.