Page 49 of Knot Your Problem

I flew across the room to push my way between them and shoved at Leif, barely restrained violence pounding a demand through my veins, forcing Leif to drop his loose hold on Lexie. I could feel a growl vibrating my entire body, raising the hairs on my arms.

Leif’s answering growl was pure fury as he swung at me and I dodged in front of his fist instead of away from it. Taking the blow to make sure Lexie didn’t accidentally get hit behind me. I barely felt it in my rage. I threw a wild punch of my own, my knuckles splitting as I connected with Leif’s jaw, leaving a red, bloody line across his face.

I had no time to think. This wasn’t a calculated fight, with opponents circling each other. This was going to be raw and brutal. Nobody manhandled my omega, not even her brother.

A roar pounded the air and my body swayed with the need to drop to my knees, but a competing roar released me. The clash of the two roars vibrated the entire room, but I only had a moment to assess the next swing coming at me before a surge of anger filled my new bond and a bright head of hair popped into view between Leif and I.

Cold terror filled my veins at seeing my omega in the middle of two alphas fighting. I desperately tried to lunge for her, but she was moving too fast.

Lexie was strong, but she wouldn’t survive a punch to the head with her brother’s full weight behind it. I saw terror flash in his eyes the same moment it hit me, before a yank had my head turning sideways and pain tore through my earlobe. I saw Leif’s head yanked at the same angle, making the world seem tilted.

“Cut it out now.” Lexie’s outraged voice and pure strength of will cut through the melee and froze everyone more effectively than the roaring had a moment ago.

“Don’t make me come over there and kick your asses,” she yelled at Damon and Sam where they were facing off a few feet away, with Dave trying to intervene between them. They all turned to stare at her, speechless. Maia was desperately trying to push past Hunter and Max, who had her pinned against the wall behind their broad backs.

“All of you, out of the kitchen right now. You’re scaring the women, you giant, flea-bitten, nerf herders.”

Pain overtook my shock as a yank on my earlobe precipitated each word. My head was then jerked sideways as Lexie manhandled Leif and me out the door.

Leif’s groan matched my whimpered, “Ow,” as we were almost bent in half while being yanked through the doorway into the bright sunlight of the kitchen garden outside.

Lexie dropped her hands and let go of us with a final yank, followed by a noise of frustration as she whirled on us, taking in Sam, Dave, and the rest of Leif’s pack as they followed us out the door.

“Stand down,” Sam yelled over his shoulder to his men who had followed us to the door, guns still raised. They complied with giant grins on their faces.

“Make yourselves useful and help Cary check on the women,” Lexie yelled, and they turned tail and fled willingly. I kinda wished I could go with them, as I rubbed my ear. I could see Leif discretely doing the same to his bright red earlobe.

Maia stepped up to Lexie’s side in silent solidarity. She glared at Damon when he opened his mouth to say something. He snapped it shut. Smart man.

“That will NOT happen again. I know you’re all big scary ass alphas, and instinctively protective of omegas. But those women are here because this is a SAFE space and that kind of alpha macho shit can set them back, months, maybe even years, in their progress. Do you hear me?”

We all nodded sheepishly. That had gotten out of control fast, and none of us had been thinking about our surroundings.

“You will all apologize to them when we’re done. Quietly and calmly. Then you will take over the breakfast shift and let those women put their feet up and breathe for a minute. Are we clear?”

We all nodded again. Even Leif, although he was still staring at his sister intently with a clenched jaw. He was studiously avoiding looking at me for the moment.

“I’ll apologize for scaring the women, Lex. It wasn’t my intention and I feel shit for doing it. But I won’t apologize for defending you. I need to know you’re okay before we go back in there.” Leif’s giant hulking body was shaking slightly as he talked, as powerful emotions pummeled him.

Lexie sighed before she turned to her brother and wrapped her arms around him. I wasn’t jealous. He was her brother, after all, but I felt rattled and I wanted those arms around me right now. I had a feeling I was in the doghouse, though. I could still feel Lexie’s anger through the bond.

“I’m fine. More than fine, big guy. I’m actually better than I’ve been in a long time. Just ask me next time.Me, not the rest of the room, okay?”

Leif nodded, eyes downcast, looking chastened. “I’m asking now Lex, who bit you?” His eyes flicked in my direction for the briefest glance before returning to his sister.

“Leif, meet my mate Dio. He bit and claimed me right after I bit and claimed him.” She waved her hand in my direction and I stepped up beside her as I let out a giant breath.

She still wasn’t looking at me, but she had just claimed me as her mate in front of her brother and his pack. For half a second, I hadn’t been sure she would do it or if I’d broken something between us. Our bond was still so new.

I was trying really hard not to beat my chest and roar “mine” right now, though, because I didn’t think it would help my cause. So I just pulled the shoulder of my shirt down and jutted my chin out while standing strong and proud at her side.

There were shocked breaths and open mouths all around. I stepped in closer to her, subtly, giving her my support. Sam and Dave were watching everyone warily, but didn’t make a move towards us.

“But you’re a beta. Aren’t you?” Maia asked Lexie quietly. She looked hurt, as if Lexie had been keeping something from her. Leif wasn’t doing much better. He looked gutted.

“It’s a long story,” Lexie said with a sigh. “I’ll tell you everything, but can we do it inside while we cook, please? We need to fix the mess we just made.”

I got the feeling Lexie was a pro at shouldering through the tough stuff and wasn’t really used to explaining herself. Keeping busy, rather than standing here talking while everyone stared at her, would probably make her feel more comfortable.