Page 26 of Knot Your Problem

I felt drunk on his scent, as a tease of passionfruit entered the intoxicating mix. I wasn’t sure if it was actually there, though, or just a phantom memory.

He breathed deeply as well, without moving. “I can scent your sweetness,” he whispered. “It’s like a hint of something just out of reach, and it smells so damn good.”

So it wasn’t a memory, or a figment of my imagination. I needed something more definitive, though. I pulled back slightly, catching my breath for a moment.

He stiffened when I shifted back, as if he was bracing himself from moving closer. His pockets bulged, like his hands had formed fists as he tried to hold himself back from touching me.

This sweet alpha could dominate me with barely a thought, but he was here, holding himself still, letting me do anything I wanted to him. Watching him battle to rein in his need, just to put me at ease, made my heart flutter in my chest.

“Can I kiss you? For research purposes?”

Dio’s breathing sped up rapidly. “Kissing is the very least of what you can do to me, Lexie.”

God, the sound of my name in that deep voice did all kinds of things to my lady bits. I had to clench my thighs together. What he made me feel without ever having touched me was primal and raw.

I moved so slowly it felt like time had become suspended in starlight, as I brushed my lips over his with the barest caress. He tasted so goddam sweet. I was suddenly ravenous.

“More, please,” he groaned in a voice that had gone gravelly, sounding almost like he was in pain.

I swayed toward him just enough for our lips to brush more firmly before I opened mine and ran my tongue lightly over his full lower lip.

Dio gasped before we both exploded into action, connecting with a frantic, messy and wild kiss that was full of heat and intense need. We devoured each other with lips, tongues, and teeth as we collided.

My body erupted in a passionfruit and meringue wildfire that had the air around us sizzling with syrupy heat and Dio growling possessively.

I was an omega. There was no longer any doubt in my mind. I’d answered the question, and now I felt suddenly starved for his touch. For everything denied to me for so many long, lonely years.

I’d opened a floodgate I couldn’t close, and now I had to deal with the fallout.


Dioyankedhishandsout of his pockets and anchored me to him so fast I barely even saw the movement. One hand went around my neck possessively and the other wound around my lower back as he kissed me like he needed me more than he needed to breathe.

My arms went around his neck as my entire body melted and lit up at the same time. I barely even felt it as Dio spun me and pushed me up against the railing, his mouth never leaving my skin.

My whole body was lit up as though a hundred fireworks had set off all at once. Every color of the rainbow invaded my senses as wild, unrestrained need blasted my body wide open.

I felt a seismic shift, as if the world spun off its axis and settled into a new one. Sensations, scents, sounds, all rushed me at once, as though I’d only been experiencing half the world until now. Behind it all was an overwhelming need to touch and be touched.

I tried to breathe through it, but his scent and touch branded me like he was re-writing every molecule in my body and making me his.

He drove me mindless with need as I ground shamelessly against the leg he had thrust between mine. I could feel his hard length against my upper thigh and I whimpered, needing more. So much more.

“Fucking hell, Lex,” Dio moaned against my mouth before he pulled away and licked a line of hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses along my neck. He pulled my head to the side and latched onto the soft skin where my shoulder and neck met, biting firmly but not yet hard enough to break the skin, while he growled darkly.

His alpha was in control and there was only one thing he wanted at that moment. Me.

I knew this because I could feel it through a faint, shadowy bond that had sprung up inside me, connecting us. It took my breath away. My whole life I had wanted desperately to feel connected to somebody, on a level as deep as this. To belong to someone as much as they belonged to me.

I bared my neck to him willingly, mindless with need, as I felt his awe alongside his desire for me. The bond gave me a faint sense of who he was, and it matched everything I had witnessed today. His loyalty, rock-solid dependability, open friendliness, and his joy for life. Driving it all was a deep love of family.

He was a genuinely good guy, and I wanted him as my own with a ferocious need that outstripped anything I had ever felt for anyone in my life. It was pure, raw, primal possessiveness.

He startled me as he jerked his head back suddenly with a shouted curse and shook his head, fighting his need to claim me as he kept his body hard against mine. He swore incomprehensibly when I climbed him like a stripper pole and started thrusting against his hard cock.

“Dio,” I moaned, doing my best impression of a porn star. I was completely gone as need shot through every nerve in my body and turned me into a wanton creature.

“Lex, tell me to stop. You have to tell me to stop now.” He ground out through gritted teeth.