Page 27 of Knot Your Problem

“Can’t. Fuck me, Dio, or I’m going to die. Please.” I felt so freaking dramatic right now, but I wasn’t exaggerating. I felt like I would die if he didn’t get inside me. My suppressed instincts were demanding immediate action as they leaked out everywhere.

“Lex,” he all but begged. “If I fuck you right now, I’m going to claim you. I’m barely holding back, baby. I need you to back away, because my alpha is running the show and he wants to knot and claim his mate more than he wants to live right now.”

“Okay,” was all I said, all I felt capable of saying right now. He had just called me his mate and my omega was here for it. The word washed over me and settled into my bones. It felt so right, like he had always been, and always would be, a part of me.

He swore again as I ground against him harder.

I was so goddamn wet and hot and my body ached for his touch. I felt like every cell in my body was alive and alight for the first time. Every stroke, every lick, set sparks spiraling within me. I was going to burn into nothing if he didn’t take care of me now.

“I need to get you inside,” Dio groaned. “Your scent is going to set off every alpha on the farm. It’s mouthwatering.”

“Barn door. Behind you,” I moaned, sounding almost desperate, which I was.

He turned and got the heavy door open while still kissing me and holding me up with one arm. It probably helped that I’d wrapped myself tight around him like one of those soft toy monkeys with the velcro hands.

We had too many clothes on. I needed to feel his skin so badly I could already taste him. My hands ran down the hard planes of his back, then up under his shirt, pulling it up and exposing acres of glorious skin just begging for my tongue. I yanked at his shirt and tried to pull it over his head while he was still trying to close the door behind us.

He helped me by pulling it over his head from the back while he had my pelvis pressed against the door. I leaned forward slightly and ripped my own shirt up and over my head, desperate to feel his skin against mine.

I started running my hands and tongue over every inch of him I could. I was so hungry for his skin right now. A kind of hunger that had me tipping towards a frenzy.

“Lex-” he started, like he was going to deny me, but I cut him off.

“Stop fighting this, Dio. I want you and I’m not so pheromone crazed right now that I don’t know what I’m doing.”

I grabbed his face and forced him to look me in the eye. “I’ve been hiding for too long, Dio. I want to be free. I want to feel everything and I want to do it with you. I choose you to be my partner in this, whatever it is. Can you do this for me, with me? The only way this is stopping is if you say no.”

I barely knew the man, yet the words rang true in a way I’d never felt before. Vibrating on a level beyond my understanding, with a touch of the arcane. The sentiment felt new and ancient at the same time. Like we’d never met, yet something too potent for our minds to grasp had always connected us.

He groaned roughly, thrusting against me as he kissed me almost violently. I could faintly feel his raging need to be inside me, to meld with me and claim me. It was hammering at him the same way it was me. It felt like a tsunami was being held back by fractured glass.

“Lex,” he growled. “I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for you. If you’re all in, I am too.”

I liked that he didn’t make me beg, or doubt my clearly spoken words by asking if I was sure. He heard me and I sensed he trusted me to know my own wants and needs. “Stairs. Loft. Now,” I demanded between desperate kisses.

He turned and bolted for the stairwell, sliding his hands under my skirt before grabbing handfuls of my ass and thrusting me against him as he went. I unclasped my bra and dropped it, not caring where it landed. I just needed to feel all of him against all of me.

I grabbed at his jeans and popped the button, slipping my hand inside to grab his firm length just as he reached the bottom step. It jerked in my hand and he stumbled as he felt my hand wrap around him, laughing as he caught himself on the railing before he went down.

“You are trying to kill me, aren’t you, you little vixen?”

“Nuh, uh. You’re no good to me dead right now,” I chuckled as I clumsily stroked him while still trying to grind against him and cling on for dear life.

“I may kill you later though, so don’t fall asleep,” I whispered in his ear, while tracing my tongue up the edge.

He laughed against my neck, before biting and sucking on me as he toed off his boots and socks, before he adjusted his stride and took the stairs two at a time. I liked that he could laugh with me in the middle of this heated, lust soaked frenzy. It made this moment feel real, as a connection formed between us that went beyond our bodies.

Although, I could also feel the sheer power of his body as he held me effortlessly while powering up the stairs. His muscles rippled as they flexed. It amped up my need to an insane level. I was desperate to feel him thrusting into me using all of that power.

I felt weightless for a moment as he turned himself at the top of the stairs and fell backwards onto the closest mattress, bringing me down on top of him so he wouldn’t crush me.

I looked down at him, startled, as he looked up at me with a mix of need and awe. I’d never had sex with an alpha, but I’d imagined their dominance would come out even more during sex and they would take what they wanted.

Dio seemed to read my thoughts as he reached up to stroke my face for a moment while he said, “Lex, I told you. I’ll give you anything you need.”

The tenderness in that statement and in his voice almost undid me. He’d only known me for hours, but he was looking at me like I was the only thing that mattered.

Dio wasn’t just physically strong, he was also incredibly dominant. But he carried his dominance with a confident subtlety, like he didn’t need to wield it all the time to know it was there.