Page 132 of Knot Your Problem

Sam’s control over his dominance blew me away. I had never heard of any alpha being able to isolate parts of a person to dominate. I snuck a glance at Dio with my eyebrow raised, but he just shook his head with a frown.

“Give me the detonator,” Sam demanded, a growl lacing his voice with menace as he held his hand out underneath the device. Winston’s hand released it involuntarily as he cursed a blue streak. Sam snatched the detonator and snapped the cover closed before securing it in one of his own pockets.

Winston suddenly sniffed the air and shifted his gaze to look at me. “You’re a fucking omega?” He yelled in a rage, spittle flying everywhere. He stilled and an evil smile full of malice stole over his face. “Oh, I know some people who are going to love you, you little bitch.”

“Don’t look at her, look at me,” Sam snarled and Winston’s head snapped to him so fast his neck made a cracking sound. Winston whimpered out a pained sound. “You won’t live long enough to tell anyone about her.”

Winston chuckled, sounding suddenly cocky. “You won’t kill me. Good guys don’t kill people, it’s what makes you so weak. You’ll let me go, again. Then I’m going to come back and snatch your little omega coochie, like I always planned. I’m going to have some fun with her before I hand her over.”

A chilling smile stole over Sam’s face. One I’d never seen before. Pala and Dio matched it. Even Dave looked resolute, as if he’d look the other way if the guys danced over this guy’s corpse.

“It seems you don’t know us at all, Winston,” Sam growled.

“Us?” Winston asked, looking at us as if just noticing the way we were standing all together for the first time and seeing the visible bites we weren’t trying to hide. “You’re a fuckingpack?“ He spat the word pack out as if it was a curse.

Then he laughed loudly again. “Oh, you’re going to get it now. You have no idea who you’re dealing with. You think it’s just those fuckers at the Palace. They’re pawns. You haven’t even met the key players yet. They really don’t like other packs. They don’t want compet-.”

A gunshot drowned out his last word as it ricocheted off the buildings. I felt its breeze graze my cheek as it passed and the back of Winston’s head suddenly exploded as a red hole opened up in his forehead.

Dave shoved me to the ground as Dio threw himself over me, and our mates crouched over us. I wanted to scream at them to get down, but I was winded and couldn’t catch my breath.

Two more shots rang out in quick succession and panic overwhelmed me. Almost everyone I cared about in this world was in the line of fire and we had very little cover.

I could see my mates’ mouths moving, and knew they were yelling, but I couldn’t make out the words over the ringing in my ears.

A fourth shot sounded from nearby and all I could think was,game over.


Diowaslyingsprawledover Lexi, trying to cover as much of her body as he could with his own, while I crouched over them. Pala and Sam were shadowing me, and we all had the same thought.

Protect Lexie. Nothing else mattered at this moment.

I instinctively knew, deep in my bones, the one thing I couldn’t survive was losing her. Not after everything I’d been through.

I eyed the buildings across from us, knowing from the sound of the first shot we were dealing with a sniper. Our life was in their hands now. If the sniper wanted one of us dead, we’d be dead.

“Hunt, got anything?” I yelled. Hunter was one of the best snipers I’d ever met. He’d know straight away where the best vantage shots would be to make that kill.

“No,” he shouted back.

Another shot rang out, this time from one of the twins standing in the street. He had his gun aimed at the roof of the building across from us, while his brother was crouched in front of Cary and Ava, who were both lying on top of the unconscious feral alpha. Shielding him.

Sam signaled the driver of the PMV. He quickly reversed, then swung around to get between the people on the street, including Ava and Cary, and the building.

Movement flashed briefly on the rooftop and Hunter fired, but it was an impossible shot with a handgun.

“Hunt. Go,” Damon yelled and Hunter took off, shadowed by the twin with the raised gun.

I waited for a heartbeat, then two. When no more shots fired, I turned to the room behind me. Damon had released his hold on the room when the second shot sounded and everyone had ducked for cover. There were three bodies on the floor, though. Winston and two other alphas. I recognized them as two of the alphas who had escaped from the farm with Winston.

I looked back at the building again. It made no sense. I didn’t know why the shooter would hide if they were helping us. Unless it was someone from Maven cleaning house.Was Dio right? Were we dealing with a secret pack?

That seemed to be what Winston was saying just before they shot him. I couldn’t see the point of cleaning house now, though. Unless we were missing something even bigger.

My thoughts spiraled for the next few minutes, trying to puzzle it out. Until Hunter appeared on the rooftop and waved his hand in the air. “All clear. Shooter’s in the wind.”

Pala and Sam turned to help Dio and Lexie up. Lexie looked shaken and angry. “You numbskulls, you left yourselves in the line of fire. They could have killed you.”