Page 131 of Knot Your Problem

“Hold fast, unless attacked,” Dave yelled from beside me, and the alpha in the turret nodded warily.

The feral alpha, with rough, sluggish movements, reached up and yanked the attached gun clear off its mounting in a loud screech of metal that had everyone spellbound, before throwing it into the bushes at the side of the road. He paced as he glared and growled low and angry at the alpha on top of the turret, who stayed perfectly still, as if he was dealing with a wild animal.

The first person to move was Ava. She stepped toward the feral alpha and the last of the air left my lungs. I was terrified for her, but she seemed calm. I heard her say something, but I couldn’t hear what she said. The feral alpha spun and watched her warily, as if he was suddenly afraid of her. It was almost comical. He scented the air and even from this distance, I could see his body shake. He looked haunted. His fear had her pausing.

Cary moved past Ava. She tried to grab him, but he shrugged her off gently. Cary said something quietly, we couldn’t hear, before he took another halting step forward, holding his hand out to the feral alpha. When he got close enough, Cary laid his hand on the alpha’s trembling chest and he sagged towards Cary.

Cary yelled for help, and Nick lurched forward, but the twins beat everyone to him. They’d snuck up beside the PMV, flanking the feral alpha without anyone noticing. The way these guys moved reminded me of Pala.

They spun forward and caught the feral alpha as he collapsed, gently lowering him to the ground. He appeared to be unconscious.

“Dave,” Sam growled into the sudden quiet.

Dave turned quickly, trusting Pala and me to keep watch for the moment. “What do you need?

“Damon. My mates,” Sam ground out. I half turned and noticed sweat was beading his brow and I suddenly remembered he was holding an entire room full of people in stasis, including a guy with a detonator, using just his dominance.

I approached Sam slowly as Dave called out to Damon, touching him on the shoulder lightly and he shuddered. I tried to send him my strength through the bond and I could feel him rally.

“Pala,” I whispered, not wanting to stress Sam out unnecessarily. Pala joined me and put his hand on Sam’s other shoulder.

“We’re here,” Pala said to Sam, just as quietly. Sam took a gasped breath as Dio and Dave joined us. I felt our connection strengthen with us all together. I also felt how stretched thin Sam was.

Shit. How had we left him standing like this?Sam’s power was monumental, but he was only one person.

Sam’s dominance cycled between us stronger, and he steadied, bracing his body more firmly.

“Why didn’t you call for us earlier?” I asked him quietly.

“Didn’t want to distract you, couldn’t see what was happening,” he ground out.

I had a lot of feelings about that statement, but now was not the time to hash it out.

Damon appeared at his side, glancing from Sam to Winston and the room beyond. Assessing the situation in seconds.

“How can I help?” Damon was always chillingly calm in a crisis.

“I need you to take the room when I release my dominance. So I can focus on Winston. We don’t know what the detonator is linked to or who is involved here. Can you do that?”

“I guess we’ll find out.”

As I looked at Winston, I could see his thumb shaking, as if he was trying to push past Sam’s hold, putting all his energy into moving just that one digit.

Leif and Hunter appeared at Damon’s side.

“What is the range for the detonator?” I asked, sudden horror dawning, thinking of everyone unprotected back at the farm.

“A few hundred meters at most,” Dave answered. I almost sagged with relief, but we weren’t out of the woods yet. Knowing the Palace and how they operated, whatever he was trying to blow up, we really didn’t want him to.

“On a three count,” Damon growled as Leif and Hunter settled in behind him, mimicking our positions. “Three, two, one.”

Winston’s thumb twitched as Sam released the room, but Sam had him dominated again so fast he couldn’t move it any closer to the detonator.

Nobody else in the room moved either, as Damon barked and his dominance took over.

“You good?” Sam asked him. Damon just grunted in reply.

“What do we have here?” Sam mocked as Winston shook his head as if he was trying to clear it. Winston looked shocked when he realized he could move his head, but not the rest of his body.