Page 59 of Jalen & Colby

I lean down and kiss his cold lips. “Damn straight, baby Coco,” I agree. “Come on, firecracker!” I yell after Jalen, who is currently running around between the parked cars with his arms out, pretending to be an angel. “Let’s go home. We can play in the snow tomorrow when it’s settled.”

“You promise?” he asks breathlessly as he jogs back up to us. We walk down the driveway together.

“Cross my heart,” I say.

I’ll never lie to these boys for as long as I live, not if I can help it.

I low-key hate sitting up in front of the Uber when all I want to do is keep my arms wrapped around my boys. But we’re not in the car long and I remind myself that there’s no rush.

We have all the time in the world now.

When we get back to the house, the snow is still falling. I think of that Taylor Swift song and wonder if it’s settling on the beach. We can look tomorrow. I love the idea of having snowball fights and making snow angels with my boys, but knowing the British weather, we’ll probably only get a small flurry tonight, and it’ll have melted by morning.

Ah, well. It’s still magical now, especially after how many times I told the boys it definitely wouldn’t snow and that we’d probably just get rained on the whole time. It’s like the universe is rewarding me for getting my act together and finally visiting my family.

The holiday rental has a smart thermostat, so I was able to crank the heating up via my phone before we even left my parents’ place. It’s toasty warm as we step inside and start peeling off our outdoor wear in a hurry.

It’ll feel even better once we’re naked.

Before Jalen can run up the stairs, I grab his wrist and spin him around to capture his mouth for a kiss. Colby slips his hand into my free one before I even pull away, ready for me to kiss him next.

“Are we going to your bedroom?” Jalen asks hopefully with a giggle, but I shake my head.

Before he can get too disappointed, I elaborate.

“It’sourbedroom for the rest of the trip,” I say, a hungry growl underlying my words.

His eyes get wide as he looks between me and Colby. Then he grins and grabs Colby’s hand. “Race you there!” he cries as the two boys charge up the stairs.

I laugh and jog after them, not sad at watching their cute bums bouncing all the way out of sight onto the landing.

I know what I want from them tonight. Now it’s just a case of seeing if that’s what they’d enjoy, too.

My skin is tingling and my cock throbbing by the time I make it to the bedroom. But my pulse skyrockets when I discover the two of them giggling, kissing, and hastily stripping each other’s clothes off. I arrive just in time to see Jalen yank down Colby’s jeans and underwear before whipping off the sparkly skirt and tights he’s been wearing all day. They’re naked and perfect and mine.

“Daddy’s turn!” he announces as he and Colby rush for me, pulling off my jumper, turning it inside out as it drops to the floor. The kisses are messy, and the hands are frantic as we finally tumble onto the bed. My heart is pounding, and my head is dizzy with lust.

I want to doeverything.But I remind myself again that there’s no rush.

Who knows how many nights we’re going to get the chance to spend together?

Maybe all of them.

“Hang on a second, sweet boys.”

I sit on my knees and pull them up to do the same so we’re facing each other in a little triangle. I want to be serious, but it’s a bit difficult with three hard dicks standing to attention between us. So I grin and shake my head before cupping a hand against each of my boys’ faces.

“Is everything okay?” Colby asks sweetly.

“Everything’s wonderful,” I assure him. “I just wanted to touch base with what we’d like to do tonight.”

“What doyouwant to do, Daddy?” Jalen asks, his eyes sparkling as he bounces on his heels. I know he’s aware that’s making his cock waggle temptingly at me, so I narrow my eyes at him, determined to get everyone’s consent in line before we get on with the fun stuff.

“Naughty boy,” I grumble. “I was hoping we might use your presents, actually.”

He frowns in thought for a second before glancing over at the bedside table. “The condoms?” he asks excitedly.

I nod and consider my words for a second. “I was thinking we could maybe use two of them?”