That causes another ripple of sound, including cheers from Isla and Esme and more barking from Donna. Tianna moves forward, her arms open as she embraces all three of us. I feel a thump and realize that Anisha has also joined in the hug.
“I’m so happy for you all,” Tianna says warmly.
“Congrats on doing the right thing,” Anisha says proudly. “Sorry about my arsehole ex.”
“Language,” Tianna tuts, but Anisha just laughs.
I’m so overwhelmed as I cling to Andreas and Jalen. My best friend manages to catch my eye amid all the tangled limbs.
“Are you okay?” he asks me again.
I take a deep breath, feeling the literal love all around me.
To me, family has always been something to be afraid of. I didn’t think I was worthy of love. I never thought anyone could possibly care for me because I was broken. Nothing special.
And yet I have Jalen and Andreas, who have been relentless in showing me how much I mean to them. Now Andreas’s family threw out someone who’d once been considered a member of this family in order to protect me.
I’m not sure there are enough words to describe how I’m feeling, and I love words.
I try my best, though.
“I’m perfect,” I tell my best friend truthfully before looking up at my Daddy. “Everything’s perfect.”
And when he leans down and kisses me gently on the mouth, I know it’s really true.
That was certainlythe most memorable Christmas Day I’ve ever had. I’m angry at Gregory’s extremely unwanted intrusion.
But I can’t say I’m mad at how my family behaved in response to it.
My sister’s words had already sunk into me from our chat earlier. I didn’t want my boys to think I wasn’t proud of being with them. But I wanted to wait for the right time to let people know, preferably individually, with as little fuss and fanfare as I could manage.
It turns out that a messy but heartfelt public declaration was also a good way to go.
Nobody had anything negative to say, not even in jest. In fact, after Gregory’s disgusting behavior, even if people were surprised or had queries, they certainly didn’t come to me. I imagine they were polite enough to wait until we left before grilling my immediate family some more on the matter.
I trusted that Anisha and the girls would probably be able to field any questions any of our less-informed relatives might have. I am far more interested in taking my boys back home for the night and showing themexactlyhow much they are mine.
It takes a while to say goodbye as everybody wants a hug and to ask if we’re okay. I tell them all to go fuss over Isla instead, who was the one who stood up to her awful father all by herself to begin with.
I couldn’t believe it at first when I found out that Colby came to her rescue. But then I know it to be true with my whole heart. My baby boy is braver than he thinks.
It’s harder to separate the boys from Donna and River, especially when Donna is determined to make a jailbreak and sneak outside with us. The boys obviously adore both the girls and I’m really glad to see that they love dogs as much as I do. I’ve toyed with getting one back home in Sydney, but I worried it wasn’t fair, as I lived alone and worked so much.
Maybe that won’t be such a problem anymore? Something to consider for the new year.
Eventually, we manage to make our escape, and I order an Uber as we put our coats, shoes, and accessories on. It’s a good thing I insisted on the boys packing hats, gloves, and scarves for traveling home that night.
Because when we step outside, it’s snowing.
“No way!” Jalen shrieks, immediately spinning around and opening his mouth to catch flakes on his tongue. “It’s a white Christmas!”
I shake my head in disbelief. “Well, I never,” I say. “That really is a Christmas miracle.”
Colby slips his hand against mine and bites his lip as he smiles. “We’re the miracle,” he says sweetly. “Us three.”